“The mother of one four arrested for kidnapping – man found dead in car”

“the Man disappeared in the beginning of december.”

“on Monday, found his car burned out, with the remains of a human in.”

“the Same day, was arrested a mother of one four suspected of kidnapping.”

“the self-employed Person in his 50s from central Sweden was reported in the beginning of december, missing by relatives.”

“On Monday, found his car burned out in a green area.”

“When the police examined the vehicle, they found the remains of a man not yet identified.”

” We have found the car and made some action for his colleagues in the polisregion in the Middle, but we can’t tell you more. It can be a very serious crime, ” said Thomas Agnevik, presstalesperson for the police Eastern region, to SVT after bilfyndet.”

“Three days before the man’s burnt-out car was found arrested a woman in her 40s in their absence and called for. Fyrabarnsmamman suspect for the kidnappings and has reportedly to Aftonbladet had a relationship to the missing man.”

“the Day after the call has gone out appeared the woman voluntarily with the police, according to information provided to Aftonbladet.”

“the Woman denies crimes”

“On Monday arrested a woman, on probable grounds suspected of kidnapping. At häktningsförhandlingen denied she is to crime.”

“According to the prosecutor’s häktningsframställan to the offence to have been committed at any time during a fyradagarsperiod in the beginning of december. But the police should not yet have found what may be the scene of the crime, according to information provided to Aftonbladet. “

“The last few days, the police have carried out a long series of efforts at various locations around Sweden.”

“Aftonbladet was in Tuesday night at one of the sites and a local residents tells us that there are at a property at the address has been activity during the day.”

“Prosecutor Anna Asklöf, took over on Tuesday over responsibility for the investigation.”

“At the moment, there is nothing I can tell you about the investigation,” she says.”