“My criticism of the hate you don’t want to even imply”

“Reply from Elisabeth Sandlund, Swedish churches, to the contacts with Uganda”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. In his article, ”Churches turn a blind eye to hatred against lgbt people” men Annika Hamrud american churches to take a clear distance from the situation in Uganda, where some – but not all – evangelical churches has given its support to, yes, even pushed on, a hard-line legislation against homosexuality. “

“She’s quoting my leader in the Day (14u002F5) and is critical of the fact that I claim that the Swedish churches, which she criticizes in his book victims of ”guilt by association,” as a result of their dealings with congregations in Uganda.”

“It is true that I speculated about this in the editorial, which was published in connection to an interview with Hamrud. But now it was not that which was mine and Today’s points. “

“the Leader’s headline read: ”More needs to be done against homophobia?” and I devote a large part of the text devoted to discussing how american churches can and should use his contacts in Uganda to influence the situation for those affected by the draconian legislation. “

“the point is, therefore, Hamrud and I agree but it does not fit into her narrative to even suggest it.”

“finally: Annika Hamrud state that I am the editor-in-chief for the Day. It is a position I left almost nine years ago, in the autumn of 2010. Since then I have been opinionsredaktör and is now part-time editorial writer. My title may seem insignificant. “

“But to deal so casually with things that are easily verifiable, this raises the questions about how the control of and respect for facts in general, and thus ultimately on the credibility of the criticism of the Swedish churches. “

“nElisabeth Sandlund, editorial writer, the Day”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”