“New Danish tolls can affect the motorists of sweden”

“About a year before Denmark user charges for all foreign cars. Öresundsbrokonsortiet want the charging system protects motorists who are visiting Denmark on single day trips.”

“According to the proposal, a tiodagarsbiljett the future cost anywhere from 25 to 250 kronor, a tvåmånadersavgift between 70 and sek 500, and an annual fee 3 000 sek.”

“– We feel a concern for the new fees. The risk is that the car traffic over the bridge is reduced greatly if the one who makes a short visit in Denmark must purchase a vägpass for ten days, ” says Caroline Ullman-Hammer, ceo of brokonsortiet, to Sydsvenskan. “

“Öresundsbrokonsortiet has now written a letter to the Danish minister of transport, Ole Birk Olesen. It is hoped that the letter should be seen as an approach in the process of how the final proposal of the Danish road user charges should be designed.”