“Notifications of relationsvåld increases greatly,”

“After complaints from women on violence in close relationships decreased for several years, the figures are now back at the same level as in 2015. Last year, more than 13 000 polisanmälningar, which is an increase of 32 percent compared with the 2017, reports the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet.”

“Metoo-the appeal and the discussion on crimes of sexual violence that followed has done more dare and want to report it to the police, according to Mats Lindström, who is the section chief for the work against crime in close relationships at police in Stockholm’s inner city.”

“I think that the number of crimes probably are at the same level as in the past, but to anmälningsbenägenheten has increased because there has been a debate in society about these crimes,” he said to SvD.”

“the Number of prosecutions of violence against women in close relationships also increased by 17 per cent last year, compared with the year before. However, the low percentage of solved cases slightly lower than in the previous year, at 15 per cent.”