“Now it’s like we have impunity for rape”

“the Debaters: This is jourrörelsens list of demands to the new government”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Time for a strong policy that allows men and boys violence against women and girls ends! nnMäns violence against women costs society at least 43 billion dollars a year, which is about as much as the entire judicial system cost the society annually. “

“Equality was the voters’ third most important elections. In Sweden’s gender equality policy included the goal that the male violence against women must stop. That men’s violence against women, is thus a prerequisite for achieving equality between women and men politically, socially and economically. nnMen in spite of voters ‘ priorities, the cost to the taxpayer and to the millions of brave women and girls around the world during the hashtagen #metoo told me about the experiences of men and boys violence have concrete policy proposals on men’s responsibilities and women’s right to freedom from violence is conspicuous by its absence. “

“Men’s violence against women is an ongoing reality, both before and after the #metoo, and thousands of women are committed annually in the Swedish women’s shelters and young to support and protect the many women and children who are forced to flee their homes because of the dad’s or styvpappas threats, screams, beatings, rape, and lethal violence against the mother. “

“Unizons girl – and ungdomsjourer is the country’s largest operator of support on the net and meet many of the girls exposed to boys sexual violence and harassment, both in school and in relationships. “

“The fact that every third young girl was subjected to sexual crimes in 2017, that, in principle, is impunity for rape and sexual assault and to women year after year, are murdered by men known to the society in one of the world’s least gender inequality countries is unworthy of a society with high gender sensitivity. “

“This fact must give rise to sharp political proposal rather than a verklighetsfrånvänd debate about the dividing line between the harder punishment versus prevention. “

“In this partisan debate are missing an important truth that really would help the woman who has been raped, femåringen hiding in the closet when daddy screams and beats the mother and the girl whose guy wants to strangle her when they should have sex. “

“It is: that the violence must cease is needed both to ensure that the perpetrators are convicted and receive punishment that reflects the våldsbrottens severity and a comprehensive, structured and long-term prevention work that reaches out to all, both adults and children. “

“the Swedish government now has the opportunity to prioritise a strong policy that allows men and boys violence against women and girls ends. We look forward to cooperation, this is jourrörelsens list of requirements:

“A helhetsarbete against sexual violence with prevention as well as straffskärpningar. n► the Face of a legal guarantee, in which the rape will be investigated within a reasonable time and with the resources in the form of knowledge, experience and money required.n► Stiffen the penalties for sexual offences.n► Educate the judiciary.n► A structured violence prevention work using gender – and power perspective to reach all young people in school to prevent child sexual abuse and violations. “

“Freedom from porn – to prevent the spread of porn is essential for the work against men and boys violence against women and girls.n► Sex and the samlevnadsundervisningen should have a critical perspective on porn, with the advancement of knowledge for everyone in the school about the plague of pornography harms. n► the Face of age verification for internetporr.n► Modernise the six – and samlevnadsundervisningen so as to prevent sexual abuse and promote gender equality with the help of a critical and kunskapsunderbyggt approach to porn.n► Nursery, school, leisure, youth clubs and other environments where children and young people staying to be “porn-free”. National guidelines are required.n► develop the skills of the health care, social services, the judiciary and all actors in society in any way meet children and young people. “

“hatred of women as a basis for hate crimes.n► Sexist and perhaps motives should mean straffskärpning. Men’s killings of women is defined as femicide when the motive is hatred of women.”

“Secure the children’s fundamental right not to be subjected to violence.n► Makes it a punishable offence to inflict violence in the face of a child. n► the Guardian shall lose the custody of the children if they murder or convicted of serious crimes of violence against the other parent. n► the violence of Men do thousands and thousands of children are homeless each year, strengthen the besittningsskyddet for women victims of violence, ensure förturer to public sector housing housing and build the homes that single women can afford to stay in.”

“Secure the not-for-profit women and tjejjourerna n► Permanent long-term funding from the government to the women and tjejjourerna that will better women and children.n► Men’s violence against women are not a special assistant”, the refuges should be exempt procurement and the policy will continue to promote not-for-profit public-public partnerships between municipalities and non-profit organisations. “

“nZandra Kanakaris, president of the UnizonnOlga Persson, secretary-general of the Unizon nnUnizon brings together more than 130 women’s shelters, young and other not-for-profit organisations working for an equal society free from violence. Each year, the refuges over 90 000 of support contacts. “

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