“Philippine vaccinpanik – want to prosecute the French company”

“Authorities in the Philippines intend to prosecute with representatives for the pharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur for manslaughter. The company’s vaccine against dengue could have resulted in ten deaths among children.”

“the Kids were included in the mass-medication, which three years ago took place in the country and more than 800 000 children were vaccinated against dengue.”

“With the help of Dengvaxia, manufactured by the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur, the country was the first to seriously tackle the mosquito-borne infection that each year infects 390 million people worldwide, of which 25 000 die.”

“Soon, however, suspicions about the vaccine did not work as it was intended. In the year 2017 the company revealed that the vaccine, under certain conditions, can result in illness in people who never previously had been infected with the virus. Shortly thereafter braked authorities massvaccineringen in order to investigate if the vaccine could be linked to a number of sudden deaths among children.”

“the Revelation resulted in panic and some of the parents accused the company of having attempted to kill their children. The scandal is also considered to have contributed to a vaccinoro which, in turn, resulted in the outbreak of measles, with deaths as a result.”

“The philippine department of justice now considers that the six representatives for the pharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur should be brought to justice. The department intends to accuse them of gross negligence that led to the ten children dead. In addition, refer the department to prosecute a non-specified number of current and former employees of the philippine department of health.”

“– the board of Directors of Sanofi Pasteur promoted the active drug, despite the fact that they knew the risks of the vaccine, despite the fact that they knew the risks associated with the use of it. Later, when the deaths and emergencies occurred, they helped not the victims and their families. It is a crime by omission, ” says Markk Perete at the ministry of justice, according to Reuters.”

“According to the philippine government, the current crimes a sentencing guidelines of up to six years in prison.”

“the Decision comes barely two weeks after the philippine food and medicines agency decided to permanently ban the sale, importation and distribution of Dengvaxia.”

“Sanofi Pasteur, by contrast, has repeatedly argued that the vaccine is safe. On Friday criticised the company’s decision.”

“the Dengue fever is caused by a virus spread by mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical areas.”

“the Symptoms are usually flu-like with high fever and muscle aches. However, there is also a more serious sjukdomsform which manifests itself by bleeding in the skin and in internal organs, something that particularly affects children.”

“It happens that swedes suffer from dengue fever, but exclusively in connection with travel abroad.”

“the Dengue fever is spread by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, with the Swedish name of the yellow fever mosquito, which occurs in the world’s tropical and subtropical areas. Not least in densely populated areas.”

“the Mosquito can also transmit the virus that causes yellow fever, chikungunya and zika.”

“Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten with several.”