“Populism and the Russian trolls in new”

“In the book takes the author, inter alia, an Russian trollfabriker and what he calls the new age of populism, he reveals for the Today’s News.”

“– the Nightmare that Stieg Larsson had on a society that plays on intolerance and xenophobia has become truth; a skräckvärld where a racist president of the united states hejas on by a mob on the web, supported by the Russian trollfabriker while xenophobic parties are on the rise in Europe, says Lagercrantz to the newspaper.”

“last winter, announced the Name that he bid farewell to Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist after the book.”

” It has been incredibly fun, but at the same time pretty damn revelatory now, when it is clear. I have no separation anxiety, it felt that I was ready, and I’m so glad that I hopefully did it here, ” he says to DN.”