s should be, If at Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) trendy, Chris Guse asked. In the style of the Apple presentations on the Fritz-Moderator, presented on Thursday in a movie, the innovations in the radio sector. After the past year was mainly characterised by the restructuring of the television programme, wants to employ the transmitter in 2019, an increase of radio waves.

Two stations are in the focus: Guses home wave with “It’s Fritz” a new Claim, and is converted into a digital brand. In order to reach the target group of 14 – to 29-Year-old better, builds on the Fritz in addition to the linear radio program which deals with Instagram, Youtube, or Snapchat. For the Radio as early as February, longer transmission distances, more music and a new sound layout are provided.

From radio Berlin 88,8 is RBB 88,8. Also starting in February, the handset with Lydia Mikiforow five o’clock in the “Early-Early Show,” and in the connection of Tim Koschwitz in “Good Morning Berlin”, with two new moderators are welcomed. In addition, the musical performance is improved.

Although a further Reform of the TV program scheme is planned for 2019, there are especially for this area, a lot of innovations. RBB-artistic Director Patricia Schlesinger announced a further strengthening of the programme both in the field of information, as well as in fiction. More programs to get on Wednesday night in a fixed location, as well as more specialised programmes which were 2018 in the list of the most-watched broadcasts at the very top. “If something happens in Berlin and Brandenburg, can rely on the audience to the fact that we are there,” said Schlesinger.

the “fateful years” to get fourth season

A particularly successful documentary Format are the Berlin “fateful years”, with which the RBB-TV doubled the market share on Saturday night. It is now clear that there will be a fourth season of the 1990s. In addition, the RBB and Arte and other ARD stations on the great task of “24 hours in Europe,” with 40 protagonists from 26 countries.

“is The acceptance of the channel, and coincides with the program,” said Schlesinger, and warned to be “of the Netflix Hype para-lyse”. Once a year, the RBB will produce starting at the end of 2019, a mini-series. In 2020 there will also be a Berlin-series. In addition, a Comedy Sitcom from Brandenburg and as a supply for the ARD is scheduled for the eve will work on a Format similar to “Wapo Bodensee”. In the intersection between documentary and fiction, the spy Thriller “turn of time” about the rose wood files. The case Subsequently is included in a documentary film, and the Entertainer Harald Juhnke, there will be both a documentary and a movie.

criticism of the rate of RBB-television, which stagnated in 2018, 5.9 percent, rejected the RBB program Director Jan Schulte-Kelling house. The transmitter has kept in spite of the world Cup year and all the changes in the market share, is a real achievement. “The direction must be right, for this year we expect more,” he announced. Hope the station also relies on Thomas Baumann, the Ex-ARD-editor-in-chief, of support for the RBB, among other things, Jörg Thadeusz at “Talk from Berlin”, and also in the super-election year with Brandenburg and Europe-choice of regular citizens talk touching.

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RBB program for reform “are Our next target of six per cent market share”

Markus Ehrenberg

get support but also the moderator team of the news broadcasts. The “evening news” will be added to Sarah Zerdick of radio Berlin 88,8, and Volker Wieprecht of radio one. In “Brandenburg aktuell” is Franziska Maushake be to see in addition to her work for Antenne Brandenburg also in front of the camera. Kurt Sagatz