“Right-wing populists is the world’s treåringar”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“the great Wall against Mexico – are now being forced to Trump back.”

“your Friend’s three-year-old was in upplösningstillstånd. The battle was a jumpsuit, which he used a year ago, and now was no other outerwear is acceptable. From that confidently declared, “I will have on me this” to the discovery that it was now too small, was prestigefallet monumental. But he did not give up. He cried, screamed and vrenskades, struggles on the floor. Overallfan would. “

“A similar scene takes place in the White house. It is about a president who shall be its wall at any price.”

“In 34 days, part of the federal state apparatus has been closed, the Donald Trumps the force to get through the financing of the great wall against Mexico. “

“The political tug of war has hit the country hard. 800 000 public employees have been without wages or jobs to go to. Trumps ekonomiskpolitiske advisor Kevin Hassett tried to describe it as a “holiday” for those affected. It landed not well. People have been forced to seek deferral of the landlords, queued at soup kitchens and the economic growth has been affected. A number of demonstrations against the close down has been implemented. “

“Donald Trump describes the border of Mexico as a security risk. Ironically, he succeeded, by the close down of the state apparatus, to create a significant threat. “

“FBI agents in a report sounded the alarm about how the work affected by the close down. It is about investigations that stood still and informers who could not get paid. “

“your Friend’s three-year-old went from fury to sunshine by suddenly changing the version. It was the mother who lured him to take at the overall. Stupid mother. Trump tried now something like this. “

““of Course, I said never that Mexico would pay for the wall,” said Donald Trump at the White house before the astonished reporters.”

“at Least 212 times during his presidential campaign promised to Donald Trump right there, noted the Washington Post.”

“right-wing populists around the world love to present simplified solutions to complex problems, and not rarely ends up when ordinary people caught in the middle. It is yet another reason to keep them from power. “

“It’s great fun when treåringar twisting of the truth. It is dangerous when government does it.”