A jury consisting of, among other Rita Ora has picked out Sigrid as one of the 30 most important, young underholdningsprofilene in Europe.

The report Gaffa , who first talked about Sigrids given position in the list of Forbes.

The american finansnettstedet launched the new 2019-lists where the focus is on the most important people under 30 years within a number of different categories. And where is Sigrid with 30 talents in the entertainment industry in Europe.

– Proud to be on the list, writes Sigrid on Instagram.

She is in good company with, among other actors and directors such as Daniel Radcliffe, Lily James, Letitia Wright, Tom Holland and Lukas Dhont, and musikkolleger that Jorja Smith, Daniil Trifonov, Rosalia and Octavian.

the Latter is the rapper that the BBC named “the sound of 2019” – and who took over the baton after Sigrid, that was the sound of 2018.

Also George Ezra is on the Forbes list, and in the wake of that Sigrid release the debut album “Sucker Punch” in march put her out on tour as reheat for just Ezra – who consume a number of uk venues.

Please, do not kill the Sigrids vibe!