the Observation is accurate. The word meeting is much more common in the Swedish – and it is often used in place of the meeting, a word which, unlike the meeting is a bit on the decline. After quickly examining the use of the two words in the Swedish press wanders my thoughts to a compound where the president used to call the board to sammanträdesmöten.
the word, I thought that sammanträdesmöte was almost as much cake on the cake as to say bordtennispingis. But a colleague’s reflection led me to consider the sammanträdesmöte in a new light.
A meeting is a planned event – for example, for a board of directors. But a meeting can also be an appointment or a random hit, for example, a friend or a lover. Meeting is more formal. A board dedicated definitely to meet, but it is hardly possible to call a meeting with a friend for a meeting because formalitetsgraden signals that there is an agenda and that there is notes. In the word meeting is simply a trevlighetspotential missing in the meeting.
Perhaps it was the meeting possible and very that gave rise to the tautologin sammanträdesmöte. Long characterized the meetings of poor attendance and few involved individuals mood. The members who appeared were often homesick in his eyes already when they came inside the door.
deliberately, but the word sammanträdesmöte made his debut in the summons about the same time that the president began to promise a snack and a relaxing pleasant time.
And it worked. It became more pleasant. Sammanträdesmötet was a formal meeting – with reservations, the minutes and protocols – but with the more informal and light-hearted mood, which is contained in the word meeting.
I Myself was the secretary of the board of directors and kept me in the minutes to the meeting. To write sammanträdesmöte had felt too much cake on the cake – something that, incidentally, also were characterised by well-being of the characters.
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