The St. Gallen satirist Renato Kaiser is the Swiss winner of the Salzburg bull 2020. For Austria, the Viennese writer, comedian and actor Florian Scheuba, was awarded for Germany, the stage writer Sarah Bosetti.

with the 6000 Euro cash prize and for the 39. Times awarded radio prize for German-language cabaret is on 16. In may 2020, in Cologne presented. The Emperor, in 1985, in Switzerland, on lake Constance, born convince “with precise, idiosyncratic way of Thinking, his charm and be exciting temper,” it was said in the judgment of the Jury. He was not only a Slam Poet, “but has the extraordinary Talent, his satirical Can develop in many directions” – as a humorous writer, comedian, host of the satirical show “Kaiser-Schmarren”, the manufacturer of the video column on the “caesarean section”, as well as the two-week “Kaiser videos” in social media.

on The Radio, he is a trenchant weekly comments in the “Zytlupe” on SRF 1-present, Swiss television, he has shown in the summer of 2019, the first season of his own documentary Comedy series “taboo”.

Meticulous Researcher Scheuba

“The quick punch line, the tempted to make the obvious joke about the content”, is not a matter of Florian Scheuba, it is said in the explanatory Memorandum to the Austrian prize-winner. This move better outside the comfort zone – where the punch line seats, meet and still be of high entertainment value. The have to do with Scheuba research meticulously and Satire with the seriousness of a Aufdeckers run, it means more. Scheuba co-founder of the cabaret group was a satire of The Hectic, and the essential Protagonist of the ORF-TV “The 4 as”, and “We state artist”.

2015 Florian Scheuba, for the first time solo on stage and was awarded for its program “balance with hairstyle” with the Austrian cabaret prize. It was followed by “follow me striking.” With Thomas Maurer and Robert Palfrader and he is currently in the program “Now!” as a “state artist” on-the-go.

In various formats at home

The German winner Sarah Bosetti was born in 1984 in Aachen, studied in Brussels, film Director, and lives today in Berlin. You started in Poetry Slam, founded the Berlin reading stage “Couchpoetos” and was Slam in 2013 for the first time German Vice-champion in Poetry.

Since then, Sarah Bosetti in excess of effortlessly in any genre borders and bring forms of Slams, the reading of the Stand-ups and the political cabaret in your very own mix of styles to the stage. She writes books, writes a weekly Radio column for public broadcasters and is represented in all relevant Satire and television broadcasts.

but Above all, Bosetti successful and make the connection between analog and digital Sends. With your a lot of clicked Videos and your almost daily posts on all relevant social media platforms that carry you to a rain, socio-political discourse, say it in a message. Her new program is entitled “I’ve got nothing against women, you bitch.”

The Salzburg bull is awarded every year since 1982 on the cabaret interior and cabaret artists from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. He is also the largest Radio co-production in the field of entertainment, the ten radio stations to work together: ORF, Swiss Radio and television, seven ARD-stations, as well as the RAI Alto Adige. (fal/sda)

Created: 04.11.2019, 08:37 PM