Monday is the two further persons in Denmark have been infected with measles.
this brings The number of infected in a short time, up to five persons. Recently, a young man from the island of Funen and also the young man from Copenhagen has been infected with the disease, confirming the Statens Serum Institute in a press release.
– for now we know only, that the man from the island of Funen has had contact with a known case of measles, while the source of infection is unknown for the man from Copenhagen, says afdelingslæge Peter Henrik Andersen from SSI.
So dangerous is measles
Measles is an extremely contagious airborne virus. It is transmitted through coughing. Viruspartiklerne can be stuck for up to two hours, and you can be infected without even having been in the vicinity of the infected person.
the Disease is shown by fever, colds and hypersensitivity to light. Three to four days seen a rash that starts in face and moves down over the body.
One out of 15 mæslingesmittede get otitis.
Pneumonia is a out of the 25 with measles.
Encephalitis will be seen in 1 out of 2500 with measles.
Blodplademangel will be seen in 1 out of 3500 with measles.
In Denmark, will have children thanks to the good hospitalsforhold die of measles.
Nevertheless, measles cost a out of 2,500-3,000 for life. The mortality rate is significantly higher in the developing countries: Here, the door between one and five out of 100 mæslingetilfælde.
so far the Statens Serum Institut has been careful to consider that there is a real mæslingeudbrud in Denmark. But after Monday’s information that two persons have been infected with the disease, confirming the foundation now that Denmark is hit by a nationwide outbreak.
– It is estimated that there are now circulating measles virus in Denmark, and we can expect more cases in the coming weeks. Therefore SSI no longer mention each of the new cases in this outbreak, but refers instead to keep up to date on our website, ” says Peter Henrik Andersen.
People who are not immune against measles, should be aware of the symptoms of the disease for up to 18 days after possible exposure to infection, it sounds in the press release.
The typical symptoms are high fever, heavy cold, red eyes, cough and after a few days of recovery on the new high fever and a red, dotted rash that begins in face and spreads down over the body.
In Denmark, vaccination against measles is free for all.
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