“Stop talking – start working for the climate”

“the Debaters: Make common cause with Greta Thunberg and the us and klimatstrejka!”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The pictures on Greta Thunberg, sitting outside the parliament house, has inspired thousands of young people the world over to the returning klimatstrejker. The face of the world’s leaders in Katowice, Davos, and recently in Brussels, she has the furious clearly added the words. Our house is on fire. But it is as if the politicians have not yet dared to listen.”

“Already at two degrees of warming are at risk billions of people to suffer water shortages and affected by flooding. The coral reefs are dying out. Yields, fish catches, biodiversity is dramatically reduced. It shows the UN’s intergovernmental panel on climate change’s latest report Global Warming of 1.5 ° C based on the 6 000 scientific evidence.”

“If the Gretas and klimatforskarnas words really reached into the corridors of power, we would see emergency meetings and contingency plans – as happened at bankkraschen 2008. Then it took a few days for the world leaders to mobilize thousands of billions of dollars to save the banks. “

“But awareness of crisis is absent. It can still be just as cheap to fly to New York to take the train to Kiruna. It is invested in order to double the capacity of an oil refinery in Sweden. New motorways are planned at the same time as the public transport is becoming more expensive for travelers.”

“This is happening at a time when we risk runaway climate change and that civilizations collapse. “

“We don’t need any more visionary speech from politicians. We require a clear timetable from the EU, the riksdag, county councils and municipalities on the binding koldioxidbudgetar and a omställningspolitik that secures the 1,5-gradersmålet in a fair and safe manner. nnVi requires klimatminister Isabella Lövin, ahead of the UN summit in september, are pushing for an international tax on carbon dioxide emissions and an end date for the use of fossil fuels, which is in line with 1.5-gradersmålet. “

“It creates a omställningstryck and generates revenue for sustainable development in countries with widespread poverty.”

“We demand that the trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström, minister of foreign trade, Ann Linde, and the current and prospective EU members are pushing for the EU’s trade agreements and trade system with emission allowances will be tightened in order to nå1,5-gradersmålet and the UN global sustainability Agenda 2030. “

“We invite all the major environmental organisations with hundreds of thousands of members and followers to make common cause with Greta and #FridaysForFuture. Mobilize to klimatstrejker and stödmanifestationer!”

“We call on every inhabitant in Sweden’s long country: to Take the part of the united nations intergovernmental panel on climate change’s latest report and participate in the Global Strike For the Future on 15 march, which will be implemented in at least 716 cities in 72 countries.”

“We call upon the deans of the schools, föreningslivets all the president, and all corporate and myndighetsledningar to let students and employees adhere to the global klimatstrejken march 15.”

“It is our common home that is burning. We are at risk right now to destroy the only planet we have. To use the UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, saying: ”If we do not change direction before the year 2020, we risk missing the chance to avoid runaway climate change’.”

“Gretas klimatstrejk that is spreading across the world becoming increasingly a collective awakening. We need to all pull together to force the rapid conversion that is necessary to give also the world’s children and grandchildren a chance for a good life.”

“nAndreas Magnusson, student, Falun nEll Ottosson Jarl and Isabelle Axelsson, students, StockholmnAnna Bokström, Fridays For Future Malmö nJens Rundberg, Fridays For Future UmeånJonas Hugosson, SO-teachers, #ChoirsForFuturenJanine O’keeffe, Torbjörn “and Pontus Björkman, network Klimatsverige”

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