“Strejkrättens opponent is standing to the right of Sten Sture”

“Kalle Holmqvist on hamnarbetares strejkhistoria”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“the Strike in the Sala silver mine, 1552, even of the undersigned (Aftonbladet, 7 jun 2018), called for the first coated the Swedish strike. But if you have to be really careful, there is a previous strike that can be called american.”

“In Turku, Finland, which at that time belonged to Sweden, joined the dockers out on strike in 1491, in protest against the merchants wanted to cut their wages.”

“the Strike in the Sala of 1552 was knocked down. In Turku, 1491, the authorities had acted more cautious. They understood enough that the trade would not function without the people who unloaded goods from ships. Regent Sten Sture the elder and bishop Magnus Stiernkors helped to mediate. The strike ended with the victory of the – lönesänkningen was pulled back.”

“yet, the Swedish hamnarbetarförbundet responded to the employers’ lockout by to give notice of the termination of the strike in all ports. There are many opinion leaders who have views on it. And it may, of course, they have, even if you might think that the question of a union to strike or not should be determined on the trade union membership meetings rather than on Twitter.”

“But even if, purely theoretically, would think that the dockers are doing wrong when they defend their terms and conditions, it is no argument against curtailing the right to strike. For the same reason that you can’t abolish the right to vote just because a few people insist to vote for the Christian democrats.”

“the night collectively refuse to work is a democratic right. The politicians who want to legislate against the right to strike sets itself to the right of Sten Sture the older. “