“Sweden’s right gives Viktor Orban the power of”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“To visit Hungary before the elections in april last year was a very strange experience. The streets and squares had tapetserats with the Hungarian-born financier George Soros face. The campaign, from the ruling party, Fidesz, was in a couple of years and only in 2017, expect investigative journalists to the government over 50 million dollars to attack Soros. For 2018, the figures are not known.”

“the Campaign is just possible that Soros is a jew,” said Anton Pelinka, professor of nationalismstudier at the Central European University, when I met him at a café in Budapest.”

“the University is one of Central europe’s best and was founded by George Soros in 1991. The professors have stubbornly refused to adapt their research and teaching to the Fidesz and prime minister Viktor orban’s nationalist policies, but claim the college’s freedom. After the election asked Viktor Orban total submission, he can not tolerate the institutions outside the ruling party’s control. Central European University is now moving to Vienna after almost 30 years in Budapest – to freedom in the west.”

“‘ Congratulations to Viktor Orban and Fidesz for the clear victory in the Hungarian elections. I look forward to continue to work for common solutions to european challenges,” tweeted Mr Weber, president of the EPP in the european Parliament for Hungary ”

“the’ Illiberal democracy ‘”

“the Battle for the Central European University is just the last in a long line where Viktor Orban has gradually changed Hungary to what he himself calls a”

“Fidesz is a nationalkonservativt party, about which the Polish ruling party, Law and justice, or The sweden democrats. Why Conservatives and christian Democrats agree to sit in the same group is actually incomprehensible, and several members have tried to protest.”

” I believe that Orban is using unacceptable nationalist rhetoric. It is very uncomfortable, ” said Gunnar Hökmark (M) to DN in april.”

“Hökmark has, of course, correct, yet, sitting M and KD remain in the EPP group in the european parliament Elections in may 26th this year they will conduct Europavalrörelse together. What should the Conservatives do about their Hungarian sister party, press the up George Soros ‘ face on the valaffischerna again?”

“The Swedish right-wing has tried to endeavor to excuse his alliance with Viktor Orban that there are bad apples in other groups. It is of course true, but the rot in Hungary, is unique when it comes to anti-semitism, restrictions on the freedom of the free press and ”