“The blood spurts in brutally antikmaraton”

“Cecilia Djurberg visit the festival Theatertreffen in Berlin”

“To the Theatertreffen in Berlin go to Swedish performing arts for inspiration. Therefore, it is not a small thing to two of the year’s ten juryutvalda, German-speaking productions have a Swedish connection.”

“Europe’s most prestigious theatre festival was inaugurated in the year with the Burgtheaters Hotel Strindberg that was played in the last year Bergmanfestival at the royal dramatic theatre. Bergman’s dämoner reflected also in the exclusive långversion of Anna Bergmanns wet, glistening staging of the Persona ” and that this was performed in both German and English. So it is well deserved kredd to the artistic successful the cooperation between the Deutsches Theater Berlin and Malmö city theatre to be invited to the Theatertreffen.”

“nnÅrets teaterfest in Berlin is also evidence that videotrenden is still strong in the German scenes. Similarly, the extensive scenografibyggena and the elements of water, dirt and the batter on the scene — as well-is to be regarded as a German teaterkonvention in the day.nnKrig, capitalism, the climate and our confused contemporary world are on the agenda. Everything is political, philosophical and at the same time comment on what the performing arts are and can be.”

“, ”When the call is silenced, collapsing the public sphere,” proclaims the theatre company She She Pop, with the score the less involved in the collective call, the more selfish individuals. Their interactive Oratory is a aesthetically simple but intelligent, brechtianskt lesson about money and economic power – where the audience are divided on the basis of socio-economic factors and assigned to the replicas in order to participate in the choral work.”

“nnFlera of directors in this year’s program belong to the younger generation and the most ambitious, crazy, and demanding of these is Christopher Rüping. His 9,5 hours long, Dionysus Stadt is a brutal but entertaining antikmaraton in four parts with a different key and play styles. And highly contemporary. Prometheus is shackled in a basket high above the stage and is held responsible for having given man fire, the technology and the science which she then misused to start a war.”

“Orestien become a modern soap opera with stagediving, nakenchocker, hinkvis with blood and videonärbilder. The audience are treated to ouzo during elektra’s wedding party and when a lamp is illuminated in green may all nikotinister come up and take a puff in the money on the stage.”

“At the end of this mastodont, which is as crazy as it sounds, playing satyrs existential football in the ancient platform shoes. It is truly a sight for the gods. At the same time with the serious message that man must make the end with the gods, stop blame on the higher powers, or otherwise, and to take responsibility for mankind’s existence on the earth.”