“The climate is more important than to attract over C and L”

“Debater: MP can only sit in a government that focuses on a sustainable future”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. It has been a long time since the election and in secret, beyond the influence from the people, negotiations. The requirements that have reached the public sphere has been that of the Centre party and the Liberals have a tax reduction for those with slightly higher incomes have been the key, as to the corporate power over workers ‘ terms and conditions should increase. “

“a Further requirement has been to reduce taxes for businesses. Reduce strandskyddet and a number of other deregulation to make it easier for companies to make money.”

“When you hear the list of duties can you believe that our biggest problem today is that the companies are unprofitable, and that the richest refuse work that they get for little money. “

“The richest one per cent have the last 20 years, upped its revenue by nearly 350%, while most others had to settle for around 50 per cent. The business sector increased according to statistics SWEDEN, the turnover and value added in 2017 with 7%. “

“The largest companies (Large Cap) handed out 251 billion of its profits to the shareholders in 2018. Even if the stock market went down slightly, many companies, big and small, gone very good. “

“Is it really tax cuts, businesses need to go well in the future? There are more reports of listed companies not valued properly based on climate and environmental risks. “

“Sustainability is the key to continued profitability. The defence industry needed durability, not tax cuts that do that, although unsustainable in the company live on in the contributions and decreased environmental regulations.”

“How goes it then, with other social problems? The green party has in the legislature raised the environmental budget, betting on the variety of transitions within the framework of the current system, but is it enough? “

“the increasing Number of cars and trucks mileage increased by 2017. Emissions of greenhouse gases, in spite of all of the decisions increased (if you count with all releases) or decreased marginally (if you are using UN-registered emissions). “

“the environmental protection agency notes, however, that emissions must be reduced by 5-8 per cent per year if we are to reach the already decided climate change targets.”

“the Gap increases. Those who collect the most money will receive an ever greater share of society’s resources. At the same time growing the proportion of relatively poor elderly people. The gini coefficient (which measures income inequality between the richest and the poorest, the higher the number, the higher inequality) has gone from 0.23 in 1995 to 0.32 in the year 2016. “

“Despite the fact that the voters put climate, environment and health at the top among the important issues is the formation of a government not focused on it. “

“the emissions Must decline substantially, we need to stop chasing growth for the work’s sake, and use our ingenuity to reduce working time rather than to continually increase production. “

“Any reduction of the working time by 1% reduces emissions by 0.87 per cent, it is effective and fast acting environmental policy. It would reduce the stress on us humans and our planet. “

“the Whole of society must quickly set about to preserve both the climate and biodiversity at reasonable levels, but such a large conversion can only be accepted by the people if we bet on a full and unconditional basic social security. “

“Only confident people accept major reforms without crisis. Then there is no room to lower taxes for those who already have everything, we have to bet your money on the conversion and redistribution.”

“By abolishing detaljstyrande system as new public management, doctors can perform surgery rather than report on, and teachers teach rather than entering unnecessary data. Are you trained for his profession should have the freedom to implement it. “

“Equally important is that everyone should be able to stay in the whole of Sweden. It is important to bring back a reasonable share of all the resources we take from the countryside back there. This applies to both power, money, and service. More important than those with the most money will be able to build new villas on the lakes, and coasts.”

“Let us not be blinded by to attract over C and L let us take the fight for a socially and ecologically sustainable future. A green party should just sit in a government that focuses on it otherwise the dissatisfaction with the established parties to become the all-time record 2022.”

“nCarl Schlyter, miljöpartist, the former member of parliament and EU parliamentarians.”

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