someone who speaks carelessly Can think of, precise? For Switzerland, one can only hope that this is so. Because of the Federal house dome, the leaning of the images are stacked. “We are straight in this business on target.” Or: “It is a positive Signal with the handbrake on.” To cite just two examples from the new Session.

At least one Phrase, the parliamentarians, however, are innocent. We will get to hear next week if the Greens want to win your first Federal Council seat: It is the figure of Speech of “The night of the long knives”. A bloody allegory, which refers to pre-modern times, when political competition is still abstach or parting left: Erdolchung Caesar, low-slaughter of the Celtic aristocracy. On the other, and, above all, on the so-called Röhm-Putsch of 1934, in which Hitler and the SA leader Ernst Röhm and his Familiar shoot left. This plot was archaic as the “night of the long knives” in the story. Also in Switzerland the figure of Speech has long been associated exclusively with the Nazi period. The surprising choice of Otto Stich – note the slightly doubt the word joke in the year 1983 is regarded as the time of the Helvetis control. And it seems to be a backward projection: for The Swiss media database, according to the late majority is referred to procurement for the geek stitch only fifteen years later, in 1999, for the first time as a “night of the long knives”.

Since the turn of the Millennium used the term “inflationary” and practically before each Federal Council election. That is quite an exaggeration, obviously. Is assassinated at the vote, none and unchecked rarely. More time someone is conspiratorial, it was in the Two-Ticker, actually, as a second choice. Journalists rhyming fond of the “night of the long knives”, bears witness, above all, their yearning for more Drama. Understandable, because the Swiss policy experienced in the last 25 years, exactly two dramatic moments: the heart attack of Hans-Rudolf Merz and the deselection of Christoph Blocher.

we Call the period of time before the election, when the parliamentarians will gather after the work is done in the Bernese Bars and chatting with one another and one or the other preconceived Plan, to confirm or discard the glass of wine in the one or the other of reprisal are up to, what it actually is: the night of the Heimlifeissen.

Created: 05.12.2019, 12:14 PM