for a few hours on a Thursday evening to the 25 soldiers from the life guards of the Swedish army to be at the old stock exchange building in the Old town. This is to serve as a so-called to be found when the Swedish Academy holds annual meeting.

this type of honor guard is many years but have never been regulated in writing. It tells Mathias Henriksson, deputy head of the Kommendantstaben, which is the part of the life guards, who controls the royal Guard and the military participation at the Swedish statsceremoniella activities.

in Addition, at the Swedish Academy formal gathering, usually soldiers from the life guards also act as to be found at the Krigsvetenskapsakademiens annual meeting (which this year was held in november).

– It is a custom. It is not written in any scripture, but has been going on for a long time. Between 50 and 100 years, at least, ” says Mathias Henriksson.

– No, there are no contracts. When it comes to state visits, then it is written in the text of the law that the armed Forces must support the government. But we also support of the guard and ceremonies and it is here seen by us as a part of the ceremonies.

the Soldiers paid by the , the armed Forces and the Swedish Academy does not pay for hedersvakten, says Mathias Henriksson. In connection with the högtidssammankomsten usually, however, the soldiers get a bokgåva from the department.

” I can’t actually answer it. There is one thing we made very, very long time. The king is also present. We are parading is not, per se, for akademiledamöterna, for us, it is completely uninteresting, but it is the phenomenon that is interesting, “says Mathias Henriksson, and adds:

” We do not take a position for or against anyone. We have no idea if it took place within the Swedish Academy, but as we have always done. Then, I think it’s a very nice tradition, and it is not insanely large resources are spent.

– It is a purely honorary task. They are hedersvakter and has no power to act as skyddsvakt. Up the city is a police matter.

Read more: the Swedish Academy breaks against the tradition during the högtidssammankomsten

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