the ROME – Since 2009, approximately 11.150 minor and neomaggiorenni migrants who arrived in Italy alone and without any adult reference at their side, they were welcomed in the Centre CivicoZero promoted by Save the Children in Rome, which is celebrating its tenth year of activity. Ten years in which the operators of the centre have crossed the stories of the children, in some cases little more than children, teenagers, arrived in Italy just after you travel often long and dangerous and that CivicoZero have found the protection and support that they need, thus initiating their path of inclusion in the social fabric.

The prevalence of the egyptians: 34%. Of 11.147 children and neomaggiorenni welcomed in the Centre in the past ten years, the majority is composed of male adolescents, between 15 and 17 years and the main Countries of origin are Egypt (34%), Afghanistan (22%) and Eritrea (17%), followed to a lesser extent, from Albania, Romania, Tunisia and Somalia. From 2011 to now, in addition, the drive of the street CivicoZero have made about 5.850 interventions of contact in situations that are more marginal, and where the children are in a condition of greater vulnerability, exposed to the risk of delinquency, abuse and sexual or labour exploitation. In the same period were intercepted more than 6,000 children in transit, including the girls, or smaller a lot more small step in the Capital with the aim of continuing their journey towards northern Europe, which represent about 12% of the total of unaccompanied foreign minors arrived by sea in Italy, in this period of time.

Via Bruzi 14, San Lorenzo, Rome. From the services of first necessity – like showers, clothes, food – the legal support and accompaniment to health care, from Italian language courses, artistic workshops and expressive, until the orientation of the training and research work, and cultural activities: many activities aimed at the protection and inclusion that, for ten years, the children who attend the center by the Bruzi, and 14 in the district of San Lorenzo, managed by the Cooperative CivicoZero and part of a larger project at the national level with similar structures also in Milan, Turin and Catania, and have the opportunity to attend, with the support of specialised professionals, educators, psychologists, operators, legal and cultural mediators.

You have doubled the space. l center CivicoZero of Rome, that the last year has doubled its space to be able to ensure in the best possible way the various activities, is realized thanks to the precious support of the Foundation Ramon Biscaretti Di Ruffia and the Fondazione Alta Mane Italia. We thank our partners who have supported Civico Zero-Roma in these 10 years: Bolton, Cariplo, GSK, IKEA, Intesa San Paolo. A special thanks to Bvlgari historical partner and major supporter of the project.

The “CivicoZero” in other cities. in Addition to that of Rome, the centers of the CivicoZero of Save the Children are also present in Milan and Turin, respectively, from 2014 and from 2015, while in 2018 the start of the activities in the structure of Catania, a city that represent the main places of transit and stay of foreign minors in Italy. Only in 2018, the four centers CivicoZero in Rome, Milan, Turin and Catania have recorded a total of 1.453 new inputs, while they were 907 recorded total from January to the end of October of this year, of which 238 Catania, 301 in Milan, 258 in Rome and 110 in Turin. Boys and teenagers in the course of 2019 have been involved in a lot of activities, such as those of participation, so far, attended by 1.051 minor and neomaggiorenni sessions, legal advice (832), literacy courses and Italian language (520) and art workshops (354).

A law cutting-edge. “it’s A law in the forefront, the one that brings the name of the first petitioner, the honorable Sandra Zampa – stressed Raffaela Milano, director of the programmes in Italy and in Europe of Save the Children – which has given life to the efforts of over 3,000 volunteer tutors in Italy, which today constitute a precious point of reference for the minors protection, is a daily witness of commitment to a more cohesive society and more just. However, he added, the Milan – the law has yet to be implemented in all its aspects and we still have acts essential for the implementation, crucial for example for the start of the path of the company through the initial interview in reception, for the issue of residence permits and for the assessment of age. And, moreover, must be said again – deal with policies dedicated to the situation of boys and girls who are going to perform 18 years and whose path to social inclusion is likely to be abruptly stopped.”

their paths traumatic and painful. “In all these years – says Claudio Tesauro, president of Save the Children, 100 years in the fight to save at-risk children and ensure their future – we have witnessed profound changes in the migratory flows that involve the children, but what has never changed is the same strong security question that comes from the boys, the outcome of paths often traumatic and painful, combined with an equally strong desire for inclusion. These needs, he added Tesauro – CivicoZero has given a response, providing first and foremost a safe place and informal, in which the juvenile and the neomaggiorenni could find the space and time to understand and express their needs, live their adolescence in the shelter of the risks of exploitation and abuse, to design or to redesign their paths of growth”,

Towards an organic system. A very important step towards the establishment of a comprehensive system of care and protection for unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy has been the approval, in 2017, of the Law 47/2017 (“Law of the Paw”), a law considered as a reference model at european level, which has been promoted and strongly supported by Save the Children and by all the most authoritative organizations of protection of the rights.

Out of the circuit, host of the nothing. once discharged from the circuits of the reception, in fact, the neomaggiorenni suffer the lack of integration policies which consider the specific requirements at 360 degrees, and the same hospitality should not be in addition, generally, a few months after the age of 18 years, with the concrete risk that the include path made up to that time to be wasted. A situation even more critical, in Rome as elsewhere, for the neomaggiorenni waiting months if not years the opinion of the institutions for the conversion of their permit of stay or who have requested international protection during the child age, the coolest unit, however, testing after the age of 18 years and to decline as a result of the entry into force of the decree yet.

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