Teona Strugar Mitevskas gaze passes over the concrete walls of the cultural house cosmos in Zurich. The light in the hallway in front of the cinema halls like her. Switzerland like you. “If I go here on the streets, I feel ease,” the feeling of democracy in the air, she says a little later in the cafe. In contrast, the North of Macedonia will, of where it comes from and where she lives, just from of a Heavy crushing. The politics, the corruption, the “Macho”culture, the Isolation. Therefore, she is pleased all the more that it managed to defeated the age of 27, once again, a movie from your home country in Swiss cinemas. And what for a. “God Exists, and Her Name Is Petrunya” is an announcement against the Patriarchy and against anti-women Religion and Tradition. It is based on a true story, which won about by their adaptation to absurdity or the extraordinary, but, as Strugar Mitevska says, nothing more than a merciless mirror of the society.

the following has to bear, namely, in the small municipality of Štip in the North of the country: an Orthodox Christian procession of the Epiphany-Festival of the faithful and religious waters-makers. A priest throws a wooden cross into the cold water. Men jump in the cross. Who is the first to get out fishing, a happy year. 2014, a woman jumped into the water and caught the cross. An Earthquake. Never before it had ventured, a woman, to participate in this only men-only Ritual. “I was a better swimmer than the Rest” – quoted Strugar Mitevska, the woman wondered whether you have the right to have a year of happiness. The storm of indignation that hit the woman was enormous.

as tragic As the story of the woman ended today, they no longer live in London, because life in their hometown was possible, told Strugar Mitevska, so valuable she was. The story was a great example of this is that an individual could move something. “The Revolution is started by ordinary people”, she believes. This year, I again caught a woman of the cross, and I may even keep it. All thanks to the first brave woman who had dared to come. And so, too, Petrunya (Zorica Nusheva) in the Film is a stunner, picks up the cross, cries when you take her to the country, pulls it back and forth. What follows then, is a run the gauntlet through the authorities and your family, riddled with nepotism and humiliation. Unbearable to look at. Incomprehensible at first glance – Petrunya’s supposed to be a heroine. It is, however, a silent, calm, as in the real world. No feminist of the first hour. Just a woman, the day-to-day injustice had grown tired of. And so Petrunya takes the humiliations, to draw from for their Rebellion. “That is wiser than I am. I scream and none listens to me,” says Strugar Mitevska.

“and push The blame on the women.”Teona Strugar Mitevska, Director

it would be time to listen, find the North mazedonierin. It calls for: equality, not only on paper but also in reality. “Our everyday life is dominated by rigid ideas of how we can be women and to make what we have.” A woman victim of domestic violence, the blame will be pushed on you. Is used in the Film Petrunya at a job interview under the skirt, she is mocked for it. The complacency with which men in Strugar Mitevskas Film occur, is disgusting. Shows, however, that Not only women suffer from Gender stereotypes. Men are also caught. For example, the young policeman in the movie, the Petrunyas courage admired, while his colleagues, Smoking and quaffing in a back room of the police station to sit, and the other for spells below the belt line on the shoulders knocking. Only in the final scene, you feel, along with Petrunya, a certain amount of liberation.

The Film was for Strugar Mitevska on a totally different level, a kind of liberation. For 17 years, she has worked as a Director, with a majority of female Crews. It will allow you to be yourself and not having to constantly measure. Most of their films would be rejected in the first attempt, if you you the national the national film Commission to apply for funding. It is only when money had been spoken from Co-production countries, according to drew, the local Commission. Since the EU adopted new guidelines and the previous government have accepted it, whether anonymous job applications. The script on Petrunya was accepted in the first attempt.

“In Northern Macedonia, the Film was for many an emotional shock.”Teona Strugar Mitevska, Director

not at All agree, had been a member of the Orthodox Church. “God exists, and he is a man,” replied a representative in a letter to the film crew, as the Director wanted to inform about possible filming locations. Tragicomic, she found the Letter. But Tired is not an Option is for you. With recognition and awareness of the responsibility that this entails. You mean it’s not pathetic, when she says that feminism is associated with many things. In Switzerland, you have felt a sincere interest in the topic.

In Northern Macedonia, however, the Film is for many an emotional shock. You don’t want to look, if in your own garden what goes wrong. However, this is Central: The recognition that Patriarchy or feminism affects all of us. The idea of a Swiss woman strikes Strugar is thrilled Mitevska. In your home, the policy of crippling often the thoughts, Rob the space for important discussions and poisoning the society. However, you cannot brake, Petrunya you have learned to not be afraid of decisions, even not in front of threats – incitement of ethnic and religious unrest in the North of Macedonia is punishable by law. That your because of their movies with Ads will threatened to show only that she was on the right path, that of the uncomfortable self-reflection. “We women are ourselves used us to constantly question, as we are the ones in the weaker Position.” We need to understand that it is precisely in this Reflectiveness, the strength of the women sun, “exactly as it does Petrunya”.

“God Exists, and Her Name is Petrunya” (2019) by Teona Strugar Mitevska. The Film is currently running in Swiss cinemas.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 15.05.2019, 08:24 PM