you have studied the biblical book of Exodus. It celebrates the Emigration as a means of liberation and promise. There are points of reference to today’s refugee movements?
no, the front hand fits this migration story is not for today. The story of the Exodus from Egypt, makes all the Intelligence to courage, where it comes to the Exodus from bondage to freedom. The utopia of a “promised land” is particular about the traditional role of the US in the past.

And what is different today?
Today we are doing more to make the receiving society, the courage to open their borders to help Refugees. There is no mention in the myth. Today we need other narratives, immigration as a blessing for the host country. This was so in America, the now Trump to the opposite of wrong, for which it once stood. What the United States would be without the Jews, who fled during the Nazi-time there and helped US-the science of your top position? However, a second aspect is in the book of Exodus.

What aspect?
The utopia of a just society in which no one is humiliated, suppressed, it is allowed to be enslaved and exploited. The law of the Sinai closed Covenant between Yahweh and his people is based – and provides, in addition to the criminal law and laws of the Cult, especially the moral commandments that are codified for the first time in the Old world, in a law book instead of in the wisdom literature. It is about the protection of widows and orphans, caring for the needy, charity, the protection of Foreign and more, what is going on in preaching Jesus in the mount and beats. This utopia of a just society today has taken shape in the Form of human rights. However, they are still far from a global enforcement.

a Lot more likely to seek solace in national pride and the promise of secure borders.
We don’t need to build walls and borders secure, but the conditions to abolish the people to emigrate force. These conditions include not only war and violence, but also bitter poverty produced by globalization in the less privileged countries of the world: This is the thing of the other utopia in the book of Exodus.

this Gives to our society?
The utopia of a just society has for the dictators, super, big corporations – and who’s pulling otherwise Profit from the global prevailing injustice – obviously a bit Threatening. The resistance of these strips against the enforcement of human and civil rights.

As you can see, the divisions in Germany and in the West in General?
With great concern. Germany was divided for 40 years. Today it is a divided society – the gap is deepening from year to year. It is not only the gap between the Poor and the rich, which is with the triumph of neo – liberalism everywhere, also in Germany. Since it is especially the conflict of mentalities, in which the former division. The real missing wall is in the heads. The tension between liberal-democratic and right-wing, populist-authoritarian aspirations compromised many European and non-European democracies, but in Germany it adopts because of its history of a special Form. And from the outside such conflicts are fueled in addition.

What are you thinking?
To the alarming Attempts of non-European intelligence services to influence by misinformation, and cyber attacks, elections and referendums, and suspicion, to sow discord and division in the European Union and the individual member States. The same possibilities of digital mass communication, which are used for nebulization, dumbing down and propaganda, and the enlightenment is intended to serve, and are used to convey solidarity on national, European and global level. The lie divides, truth unites. The already knew the ancient Egyptians, and today it is more current than ever before.

How do you assess in the light of the conflict situation, the move of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
As an unnecessary provocation which aggravated the crisis. But you have to evaluated concerns: As always, it is the current Israeli and American policy, Israel’s right to exist is beyond all doubt. The state of Israel is the necessity for the Jews who suffered in the countries of the Diaspora under persecution to destruction. Israel as an occupying power, but which presses in turn, is a tragic perversion of what is the Name of Israel was and is. The Refuge of the Oppressed has become for others to the cause of flight and distress.

How memory could be fruitful?
you can seem forgiving, if you involving the other. In Israel, for example, that would mean that Israel and the Palestinians to develop a common history and culture of remembrance, the Holocaust and the Naqba, the Jewish and the Palestinian catastrophe, their place would. Memory in itself is neither good nor bad, it can also foster hatred, foment reconciliation.

do you Have an example?
The one case we have experienced in Germany after the First world war, as the students had to recite the list of “lost territories” and the “shame of Versailles” were not allowed to forget. A very different culture of memory in Germany after 1945. Since the crimes of one’s own Nation and the memory of their victims: a Form of dialog memory, in which Germany meets with Israel and the descendants of the Holocaust Survivors in other countries.

Is anchored reconciliation as a desirable goal?
reconciliation is the vine in my eyes, always of value, even if it is often as a remote target. In the first step, the other inflicted Suffering to be recognised. This is precisely the sense of an inclusive, dialogue-based culture of memory. After the Second world war, the Adenauer government, and believed that reparation payments are a “final stroke” under the atrocities of the third Reich and a “reconciliation” with Israel. Of course that was impossible given the enormity of the Jews chronicled crime. At that time the normalization of diplomatic relations was the maximum to reach. A second step was done in the 80s and 90s with a culture of remembrance, which began as a grassroots movement from below, before she was institutionalised from the top.

But some want to forget. The culture of memory makes sense to the young generations of Europe?
To civil and other Wars, where there are on both sides the offender and the victim, was long Forgotten as the mystery of reconciliation. “Omnis oblivio et amnestia”, as the formula of the peace of Westphalia was. After the genocide, but where the perpetrator and blame the victim, and innocence on the other side, there can be no Forgetting. Because the victims and their descendants would never forget. Shared memory is the only way to reconciliation. Today, combined, where in Europe, the former arch-enemies of a Federal community, the Belief in the common future of the memory of the horrors of the restless past, to the blessings of open borders and peaceful cooperation worthy. This is particularly true for the younger generation, to whom the memory of the world wars, that is, not in the bone.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 24.02.2019, 18:47 PM