“Well, the greater redistribution will reduce poverty”

“Slutreplik from Oxfam in the fight against economic inequality in the world.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Jacob Lundberg writes in his reply to our article is that the growth is more important than redistribution to tackle poverty. But, among others, the world Bank is clear that the global target to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 will not be achieved unless there is a redistribution and the poor receive a larger share of growth than today. Seen to the whole, the poor are a relatively small part of the growth. “

“World inequality report showed that the richest percentage in the world got 27% of the total global income growth between 1980 and 2016. The poorest half of the world’s population received only 12 per cent. “

“With today’s tillväxtfördelning will take 123 to 209 years before the entire earth’s population lives more than 5 dollars a day”

“About 2.4 billion people are still in the ”non-extreme” poverty, according to the world bank definition, and this figure has not decreased at the same rate as the incidence of extreme poverty. Economist David Woodward has estimated that, with current tillväxtfördelning will take 123 to 209 years before the entire earth’s population lives more than 5 dollars a day. “

“Research from the International monetary fund (IMF) also show that redistribution generally is favorable for economic growth and that many countries have considerable scope to raise taxes on the wealthiest without damaging their economies. Thomas Piketty has argued that an optimal marginalinkomstskatt can be as high as 83%, today is below the world average of 31 percent. “

“When hundreds of millions of people suffering from to live in poverty and 10 000 people die every day because they cannot afford access to healthcare, we can’t be passive and hope that the redeployment should not be needed. “

“much, Much more can be done to reduce poverty. Including to put a stop to tax evasion and establish fairer taxation of the very rich, something that produces tax revenue that can be invested in poverty reducing and life-saving public services. It is missing neither the methods or the reasons for creating a fairer world today. “

“nRobert Höglund, head of communications, Oxfam Sweden”

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“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”