2018 was a tumultuous year for the relationship between Sweden and China. It started with three chinese tourists during the wild protests were rejected from a hotel in Stockholm. The family immediately received support from China’s embassy in Stockholm also took the opportunity to send out a resevarning to the chinese who want to visit Sweden.

Not long afterwards came the next temperaturhöjare. Turistincidenten inspired Jesper, these two, behind the satirprogrammet Swedish News, to make a ”movie” for chinese tourists. In the film, the chinese are, among other things, learn that you are not poops outside public buildings such as the castle, and that just because someone is out walking with a dog, it does not mean that one have lunch on a leash.

laid out on Youku, China’s equivalent of Youtube, with the chinese translation. The spread was enormous. Over 200 million people have read the post about the film on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter. The satire got together with turistincidenten the 18 most popular topic of conversation on Weibo in 2018, according to a review made by the website What’s on Weibo, which monitors chinese social media.

” I had not imagined that it would have such an impact. When I have talked with chinese people in Sweden, they thought it was funny and said that I would not bother me so much, that it would blow over in three days, ” says Jesper, these two.

In China, however, was upset big. The swedes got angry glances and Swedish entrepreneurs in China were forced to begin their meetings to explain what the film really wanted to say. From the chinese embassy in Stockholm required an apology from the SVT. Letters of protest were sent to the MINISTRY.

the Satire with the ”advice” to the chinese who were of the SVT programme ”Swedish news” was severely criticized. Photo: SVT

It was just like a person at our security office said they will call in a trollfabrik who is given the task to launch a storm,

the Swedish television has since apologised to the ”individuals” who felt offended by the advertisement. The excuse has gone both via the editor responsible for the programme and in a follow-up element by Jesper these two. Nevertheless, it was the chinese embassy dissatisfied and called the excuse for hypocrisy. Jesper, these two are not surprised.

– Our excuse turned to the chinese individuals who felt sad, not to the chinese state.

He still thinks the storm blew over pretty quickly.

” It was just like a person at our security office said they will call in a trollfabrik who is given the task to launch a storm, then blowing it over. And it did.

however, that only parts of the element, including bajset, was laid out on Youku.

– It is the only thing I regret, that we la out something out of context. It was just plain stupid.

To the upset helped the map behind Jesper, these two in the studio. This synthesis neither Tibet or Taiwan.

” It is well that they were most at their most angry on from statshåll. It is extra fun, you can take the others so long as we draw into Taiwan on the map.

– It depends on what happens. Our program is all about English news. If something happens here, who has with China to do we can take it up. We are not frightened.

Upset over the element is only one of several examples of where China has recently protested against the Swedish actions. Special outrage raises the Swedish requirement on the release of the Swedish bokförläggaren Gui Minhai who have been detained in over 1,200 days. The issue is obviously sensitive and assessors DN spoken with believe that the Gui Minhai-case provokes harsh reactions even on other incidents.

When the DN previously interviewed sinologist Torbjorn Lodén said he never experienced such a hard tone of voice from China.

” I have followed China since 1968 and can’t recall me to China in the past has attacked Sweden in so hard terms.

Read also: Sweden’s image spread throughout the world mainly positive

Expert: China is trying to undermine the image of Sweden