on Monday announced Annie Lööf to the outcome of the negotiations with the social democrats was not good enough for the Centre party would be able to give it his approval. On Wednesday was voted since the Conservatives and christian democrat budget passed with the support of The sweden democrats. And in Friday’s statsministervotering got Stefan Löfven the thumbs down by parliament.
It has been an eventful week in american politics. Yet in practice nothing has changed. SD is still a populist and xenophobic party that wants to use the state to shape a more homogeneous nation, and pointing out the liberals as the chief enemy. The parliamentary mathematics has not shifted an inch. Each type of M-led government that is not anchored over the blockgränsen would need Jimmie Åkessons support not only to assume, but in every important vote.
on which Ulf Kristerssons budget was voted through in parliament says a lot about the balance of power if he could be released until statsministerposten. Moderatledaren was supported by the KD and SD, while the S, V and MP voted in favour of the government proposal. C and L abstained.
Kristersson can thus get through its policies without Annie Lööf or Jan björklund’s support. Jimmie Åkessons mandate is, however, at the same time both necessary and sufficient. It is a golden seat for the SD controller.
Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund promised voters to not give SD any influence. They deserve respect for that they have honoured the promise throughout the fall. There is no reason to fail it now.
It also highlights how strange the idea is that C and L will release a M-government, then in opposition. Rodney king during an arrest disclaims in such a case all of its own power and place at the same time Kristersson steadily in Åkessons knee.
Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund promised voters to not give SD any influence. They deserve respect for that they have kept the promise throughout the fall. There is no reason to fail it now.
and that the two statsbärande parties refuses to take joint responsibility are, in practice, only two options. The social democrats can accept The centre party and the Liberal reform requirements. Or so is Sweden being forced to a new election.
Last weekend’s negotiations confirms the difficulty of getting to a settlement between S, C and L. It is not fun for Stefan Löfven to swallow Annie Lööf and Jan björklund’s liberal policies. And it is not easy for the Centre party and the Liberals to rely on social democrats, keep their promises, the party has a history of treating their partner badly.
attempts to reach an agreement failed, however, shows not that a settlement is impossible. Stefan Löfven moved, admittedly, not enough. But he also showed that he is not frozen while in the hill. Now have S-leader make sure to move more.
good reasons to go rodney king during an arrest to the meeting. It does not depend primarily on the door to the Department is drawn again for a long time to come if the party is not able to cooperate with C and L. the main Reason is the structural problems of the Swedish ministry of employment and the housing market. Sooner or later, the reforms to be pushed through, it is in S best interest to be a part of the process – not as a break, without a constructive counterpart to the liberal parties.
For this to be possible, however, Stefan Löfven show courage. He must have the courage to say no to the Left party and, in particular, särintressena in the own movement. That courage was lacking last weekend – it is still the difference between a government and an extra option.