the World looks already the consequences of climate change. In the years we have in Norway had an extremely snowy winter, a summer with prolonged drought and the failure of the kornavlingene, followed by vårflom in October. It is scary that the researchers say snittemperaturen in Oslo, norway may increase by 3 to 6 degrees. This year’s extreme weather could become the new normal.

Lan Marie Berg. Show more

It is those with the least who has the most to lose to climate change. I think of those who can not afford food when drought and extreme weather affects food production, but also those in the Uk who cannot afford to move away from highways or flomfylte dalsøkk.

to reach the Parisavtalens goals and avoid dangerous climate change, says the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change that the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent to 2030. It means, according to the united nations, that the world must make changes which mankind never experienced before. The alternative is that the climate is becoming warmer, wetter and wilder. According to the Un klimasjef have climate change threats has never been greater than right now.

But, the most important thing in the report from the climate panel, that the united nations also says clearly that it is possible. We know what to to, and we have the resources needed. What is needed is the political will to take care of the wealth our.

the city Council adopted in 2016 a new climate goals for Oslo. We will cut greenhouse gas emissions from Oslo with 95 per cent by 2030. It means that we for all practical purposes to end with CO₂ emissions completely, in just twelve years.

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This ambition is a powerful answer to the Un and verdenssamfunnets call to action, to take care of those who have the least, and not least the future of our children and grandchildren. As we wrote in byrådsplattformen: “the Mitigation is not something to be undertaken somewhere else, to another time, and of some others. We will even take responsibility, and use all the instruments the municipality has.”

climate policy is not just about the CO₂ molecules. It is about people. Good, green policy also makes cities better to live in, and the everyday life easier for people. Now, after only three years with the Ap, SV and The Green in the commissioner’s Oslo-the air been cleaner, CO₂-emissions go down, and more and more runs, bikes, traveling collectively, or choose an electric car. Our policy also leads to better public health, less queuing, less noise, more green areas and safer skoleveier.

We now see that cities all over the world go all the way in the front in the fight against climate change. Oslo cooperates closely with the big cities like New York, London, Paris, Barcelona, Stockholm and Copenhagen. All these cities have a climate policy which is in line with the Parisavtalen.

the city Council created in 2016 Klimaetaten, as a central academic environments, and driving force to reach Oslo’s new climate targets. In a short time Klimaetaten established itself as one of the premier academic communities in Norway and internationally on climate policy, and today they provide thus the basis for it is that, with citizens, business and organisasjonslivets help, to be Oslo’s new climate strategy.

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the Strategy to make Oslo the world’s first emissions-free city.

We know where they store the challenges ahead is located. It’s about reducing emissions from goods transport, from building and construction, from passenger transport, and from waste. Climate policy is about the small measures in people’s immediate environment, such as creating car-free hjertesoner around our schools, and about the major cross-cutting systemic change, that we have put in place a klimabudsjett where we count CO₂-cut as we count money.

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We have already come far in Oslo. The largest expansion of public transit since the Subway was built after the war, and both the deliveries and the construction sector is moving quickly in fossilfri and emission direction. Greenhouse gas emissions go down – the latest figures we have, from 2016, showed that emissions decreased by 8 per cent in Oslo.

There is no doubt about the that it is both ambitious and demanding to stop greenhouse gas emissions. However, there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, then it is that we will only succeed if we have businesses, organizations, neighborhoods and citizens on the team. Therefore, I will now invite and encourage all in the whole of Oslo to use the next six weeks to come up with great ideas and input.

Together we shall upgrade Oslo a better city for people and the environment. Together, we will reply on the Un cries about klimahandling. Together, we will make the Oslo not only a good city in the world, but also a good city for the world.