The Congress party was almost pronounced dead. Now she wins surprisingly compared to the previously dominant Hindu nationalist BJP.
supporters of Congress party cheer over their victory, and the defeat of the Hindu nationalists photo: ap
BERLIN taz | Twitter circulating photos of the headquarters of the two main Indian parties in Jaipur, capital of the Western Indian state of Rajasthan, speaks volumes: After the announcement of the election results late on Tuesday nationalist people’s party (BJP), the Hindu India’s Prime Minister Narendra modi, just Empty. In the case of the Congress party, however, supporters and members in front of the headquarters are dancing happily on the street.
No wonder: the outcome of The regional elections in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana and Mizzoram surprised. In the first three States, the Congress party won the majority or largest party. It is there in each of the future government. In Mizzoram, where the Congress ruled for so far, have lost India’s oldest party, although the Power. But not to the BJP, but to a regional party. Another regional party in Telangana victory, India’s newest state.
The elections, which had taken place since mid-November, as usual in India in a staggered manner, and the results of which were presented only on Tuesday evening, at once, the last one before the at the latest in April, to be recognised parliamentary elections. The current elections are therefore also referred to as a “semi-final”, while the next parliamentary elections are mainly as a vote on the Prime failed to put an end modes.
Since he had won in 2014, with his BJP the majority in Parliament, managed to grow his Hindu nationalists in regional elections. The Congress party fell in the favor of the voters. Congress was as corrupt and consumed, while modes with Hindu nationalist identity politics and the promise of economic size, was able to convince the majority.
The right-wing populist modes had even announced once cocky, to make India “Congress-free”. But now he is suddenly no longer as invincible. “We accept the mandate of the people with humility,” he tweeted.
For the defeat of the Hindu nationalists, of all things, in the Hindi-speaking so-called Kuhgürtel, so your Hindu statistical core of the country, leading Indian analysts two main reasons: The first is that, in India, the Trend, Amtshinhaber disappointed deselect after it had gone its full-bodied promise on the glue.
in particular, Modis include the promise of Growth. A Million jobs per month, he wanted to made across the country. Although India is today one of the booming countries in Asia. But the economic growth has led to wages for the poorer layers of felt, especially at the rising Praising, and not to higher Real.
the Hindu nationalists Second, under the rural agricultural population, which still represents the majority of the population, the existential Fears are reinforced. In the last few years, most recently two weeks ago, there has been large-scale demonstrations of dissatisfied farmers. You mind to low producer prices, usurious Interest rates and high costs for fertilizer, pesticides and energy. Farmer suicides in some regions for years, a widespread phenomenon.
In the case of the elections in the spring of modes must not be written off yet. Here, the Alliance decides and coalition politics with the numerous Small and regional parties on the victory and defeat of the two major counterparty
observers fear, however, is that the BJP is now playing the Hindu card, and through the Inflame religious tensions, their Hindu clientele could mobilize. But there are also signs that this started already in the last time to the rear. On several occasions in 2014, Muslims or members of the lower castes of Hindu Mobs were lynched because they had allegedly killed “sacred” cows. BJP-led government’s ambition to resolve lynchings showed make.