Against the violence, hate and impunity. The president of the PP basque, the former minister of Health, Alfonso Alonso, has claimed this Thursday, the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu that guarantees the freedoms proclaimed in the Constitution, also at the university level, after the beating that initially two hooded men, who is then joined by several more, he was the past Friday, a student at the cry of “Spanish fucking” . Alonso and several members of the youth wing of the PP, Nuevas generaciones, have focused on the gate of the arts Faculty to protest against this act of hatred, on Wednesday, condemned all parties, including EH Bildu and its leader, Arnaldo Otegi.


Two people arrested for the assault of a man that had the flag of Spain on Instagram Inside repudiates the farewell ceremony of the police station of Córdoba, the police moved to Catalonia Interior sent to Barcelona the only truck of riot police In English: Basque university student beaten for being “to English shithead”

the Two hooded men who then joined several more was such a beating to a young member of a platform that proclaims that its members are just as basque as spaniards, who had to undergo surgery and remained hospitalized for five days. The Police is still looking for the authors on the basis of the information that moved the victim and several companions of the victim who witnessed the beating.

the president of The PP in the Basque Country, Alfonso Alonso, has been criticized in the Betasus campus of the UPV/EHU in Vitoria do not govern the principles of freedom of expression, association, and ideological consciousness, the “fundamental values for which we fought a lot and that are in the core and in the heart of the ideological pluralism that upholds the Spanish Constitution”. “Freedom is not guaranteed in the Basque Country and is prohibited on the campus of Álava,” he said Alonso, who has been denounced that at this faculty there is a “criminal group” that campa to their hearts content with the shelter of the direction of the university as it has its own premises.

In the same way expressed by members of the New Generations, who in a statement have said that “we all know where they are. We require measures of prevention and safety for the students that will ensure their freedom of expression and ideological pluralism”. The president of the youth wing of the PP basque, Aitor González, has read a press release in which it denounced that this university campus has become “a den of radicals”.

Alonso has been clarified more: “there Is a group that is dedicated to threaten the students who are not nationalists, and what they say”. According to estimates, the victim of the beating “he received repeated threats for you to disarm your attitude and stop defending their ideas, and as he persisted they thought that they should give you a warning.” “Fifteen cowards hooded him besieged, and gave him a beating; I got kicked while he was unconscious, and that is a fact very wrong and improper of a democratic and free society,” he stressed.

Alonso has predicted that the attackers will be arrested and will pay for what they did, that’s not going to be impunity and that “they’re going to spend a long time in prison, has been sentenced to add next that “punishment” and the “intolerance of the intolerant is a premise essential to ensure the freedom”.