The Popular Party continues purging its original sin when the Alliance of the magnificent seven Fraga picked up in the towns and cities of Andalucía, the remains of the franco regime, so that the voters thought that the AP (then PP) were the same with different necklaces. And sometimes, even with a change of collars. Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla and his predecessors dragged the heavy burden that, in the opinion of some political analysts, is the first cause of that the right andalusian do not lift the head from 40 years ago. The repeated victory of the PSOE throughout both time and the maintenance of the left in the preferences of the people is nothing but the result of glaring errors committed in the years of the Transition, and following that the successive leaders of the PP have not managed to amend in nearly half a century.

MORE INFORMATION why always wins the PSOE?

can Not understand beyond the limits of this autonomous community with so much persistence (ten electoral processes since 1982) AP and PP have been punished, with the exception of the elections of 2012, in which the popular managed to be the party with the most votes while the sum of the votes of the left turned to give the Government of the Board of the Socialist Party. And you can not understand, without knowing the reality of this earth, that a party that during four decades in power has not been able to rescue Andalucía of the last places in the income of the autonomous communities repeat again and again in the Government. Or you can understand far from here, that the same political party, whose dome above in full is sitting on the bench by the judgment of the ERE, will be acquitted by the andalusian village before the judges pronounced. Perhaps because people have memory and remember how entrepreneurs, landowners, trade unions and manual laborers pressed to Manuel Chaves, José Antonio Griñán, and to all those who sat in the Council of Government for that not to break the social peace. And this, at the expense of whatever. And even though it was skirting the law bluntly. Something that many of them remember how the same Spanish bourgeoisie who then washed his hands cried out to the Government of Felipe González, for, dirty, or like whatever, did the war on terrorism, much as the approach to be completely unacceptable. But that level of hypocrisy has been given historically in Spain. Yes, of course: then we’ll look to the other side.

The worst inheritance left to us by Franco was the hibernation of the system of freedoms for 40 years. You can not stop to recognize the progress that the economic order was so extensive stage Dinamobet of dictatorship. But the problem is still not overcome, especially in Andalusia, was the annulment of the fundamental freedoms in all of society, including political parties, in place of having resolved the issues of coexistence with high-mindedness as he had done the rest of Europe at the end of World War II. The permanence of a chieftaincy nothing residual in Andalusia and the scarce attention that Frank provided in a region subjected to was not an issue as in the north, formed with the passage of time, a socio-economic structure of marginalization and negligence that has been consented to during four decades of socialism that everything changes so that everything remains the same.

The Popular Party has not been able to recognize this reality and only wakes up hardly in the electoral campaigns —a good hours sleeves green— urged on by the evidence of the surveys and for the foreseeable bite that you can give the new right severe, unable to get seats but indispensable instrument for the remains provincial stealing some members of the PP. This negligence that is imbedded in the programs of Vox, unread, nor by its alleged supporters, has broth culture in Andalusia, where some thousands of people come to believe the promises of Abascal, among others, the suppress autonomy, ignoring the fact that for such a feat, you will need the two-thirds of the Congress of Deputies, a national referendum, dissolution of the Cortes and new elections. Not to mention his self-suggestion to solve the problem Catalan leaving to one side the 155 to go directly to the article 8 of the Constitution: that is to say, the appeal to the Armed Forces.

Or is that the last boil on the epidermis of the right andalusian pokes with virulence and contributes, no doubt, that the removed votes that you will have for your right preclude any agreement for the center at the time of forming the Government. The same right-andalusian broad-spectrum will facilitate the government of the left of different origin, because if there was something to the hard is already on the political scene: Vox, crowd votes that will not help to anything but to keep PP and Citizens to reach a sufficient majority to get to San Telmo.

THE COUNTRY published last Sunday an enlightening chronicle of Pablo Ordaz with the views of three prominent politicians in andalusia: José Rodríguez de la Borbolla, Alejandro Rojas Marcos and Javier Arenas, who were raised by what always wins the PSOE. We concur generally in the argument of the respondents but allow us to complete that information with this other question: why does not win the PP in Andalusia.

Francisco Jimenez-German was the director of Abc and director general of Telemadrid.