It was a day in the beginning of June last year, a 79-year-old Anita Vahlgren would get to the globen area of the home in Enskede for a doctor’s appointment. Six weeks earlier she had had surgery to the foot and would now get away the plaster. She puts great value on the to clear himself and saw the trip to the doctor, as a unproblematic.

” I’m not so afraid of me. It will take a lot to scare me, ” she says.

When the train had stopped waited for Anita Vahlgren that the other passengers would go off. Then she took the support of a pole to lift up rullatorns two front wheels on the platform. Then closed suddenly, the doors and trapped rullatorn.

the Doors were shut, so I was thrown to the side. And so, the doors opened again and rullatorns one of the wheels got stuck between the platform and the train,

” the Doors were shut, so I was thrown to the side. And so, the doors opened again and rullatorns one of the wheels got stuck between the platform and the train. And so went the train off a bit, ” she says.

” No, for then took a girl against me inside the train.

for some reason, the train started to speed up to leave the station without all the passengers had gone on board, and without all the doors were properly closed. According to Anita Vahlgren reacted to several people who were on the platform immediately when they saw what was about to happen.

Then there was a guy who would be on the train that grabbed the cart and pulled on the doors all that he could and shouted, ”Stop dammit!”. He was screaming so it sounded all over the platform.

Anita Vahlberg mean that the trains should not be able to leave the platform unless the doors are closed. Photo: Adam Daver

the Driver then discovered that something was wrong and slowed down the train directly. Then she opened the doors, and several persons helped Anita Vahlgren of the train to safety on the platform.

” it Certainly makes one a bit shocked. The guy who had called out sat with me for a moment and asked how it stood with me.

” If I was annoyed! If she had been in the neighborhood so I probably had clipped to her.

Last week, reported DN on an incident that occurred on april 17 of this year. Then stuck a stroller in the doors of a subway train at the station in the Masmo. In the cart sat a small child who was rescued by a man who was on the train. The man was able to lift the baby out of the cart before it collided with tunnelväggen.

After the event in the Masmo, several people made contact with the DN and told us about other events where people in various ways have been squashed in the tågdörrarna in the subway.

Tommy Atkins witnessed in the beginning of may, an event at Hötorget station, which he eventually presented to the SL.

– I would just put myself in the queue to go into the cart when the driver cried, ”now I close the doors”. I was so pissed. It was still full of people on the platform who wanted to enter the train.

It works, of course, not for the buses to just shut up and run when there are still places on board. Why would it do it with trains?

” No, absolutely not. It is completely unreasonable. It works not for the buses to just shut up and run when there are still places on board. Why would it do it with trains?

MTR:s security director, David Lagneholm says that he is not aware of the case of Anita Vahlgren and therefore can’t comment on the individual case. But he believes that the safety systems on the new subway trains that operate on the green line to prevent the train travelling with open doors.

– On the new trains is a barrier that makes you can not go in the road with the doors open that way. On the old trains, there are also security systems that, together with the personnel procedures to prevent such events.

that the company makes 3,000 in checks per month of their around 600 drivers in order to ensure that procedures are managed properly and that service is of high class. He also explains that one must distinguish between complaints that the people have become in the doors and that the train should have run away with open doors – where the latter problem is very unusual.

” But people rush and throw themselves against the doors and thus clamped, it is something that our drivers are experiencing as quite a hassle. It becomes a stress for them.

70 claims for damage on the pinched people, animals or things in the subway doors to the MTR, which runs the underground trains in Stockholm, in the last year. For the past nine years the figure has been more or less the same. April has 31 claims made in the year.

– Each time it happens is one time too many, but it happens relatively rarely. To put in proportion, we had 1.290.000 boardings per day last year, ” says Claes Keisu, press officer at SL.

a larger number of customer complaints about doors that close on or in the face of travelers. Last year registered a 361 – and 15 of them with mobility aid to make. However, since a part of the registered complaints may be duplicates have the DN is no precise data on how many unique complaints that were actually made.

A kundsynpunkt need not be a fully accurate manuscript of an event

– A kundsynpunkt need not be a fully accurate manuscript of an event. Likely some of those folks who is trying to get on the train when the doors are closed, which we discourage. Such a thing happens every day, ” says Claes Keisu.

talk about the incident with the pinched stroller in Masmo and believes that it is important that something is done so that no similar incidents occur in the future. Above all, she believes that it is important to ensure that drivers check that no persons or objects are stuck before they close the doors on the train.

” I will be darned at the nonchalance encountered. I think it will be a slentrianjobb to run the trains after a while. Open and close, open and close. But technically, is it possible to solve. The doors supposed to open if a hand happens to get in the way. Then the train shall not be able to run further, ” says Anita Vahlberg.

Read more: Felanmälda escalators could not be turned off