Nearly four years after the attack on the French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” has been taken of the world’s sought-after Islamist Peter Cherif in Djibouti. According to French media reports, the arrest took place in the East African country last Sunday. Also, under the Pseudonym of Abou Hamza, a known Islamist, and had close contacts with the brothers Kouachi, who had perpetrated the attack on the Paris editorial offices of “Charlie Hebdo” in January 2015. In the attack twelve people were killed.

According to a report by the radio station “France info” is Cherif in Djibouti in police custody and will soon be transported to France. The 36-Year-old since the beginning of the 1990s in touch with the brothers Kouachi. The young men had met in the city of Paris district Buttes-Chaumont. In the district that was created at the beginning of the last decade, an Islamist network.

Cherif is suspected to have at the time the order for the attack on “Charlie Hebdo”. According to the newspaper “Le Monde” is likely to take his extradition to France for some time, because as yet no judicial proceedings against the 36-Year-old. The Paris Prosecutor’s office has requested a trial against 14 people, which is a support in terror series in January 2015. In Djibouti, detained Cherif is not among them.

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the Satire? “Charlie Hebdo” complain again conspicuous

Joachim Huber

in addition to the twelve people who were killed in the attack on “Charlie Hebdo”, were a further five deaths in an assassination attempt in the Paris suburb of Montrouge and an attack on a Jewish supermarket. The attackers – the Kouachi brothers and the Islamist, Amédy Coulibaly – were killed by police officers.