Two ships with a total of 49 migrants on board has got stuck in a sort of involuntary political limbo, and the driver then 17 days on the Mediterranean sea in the vicinity of Malta.

There are two rescue vessels from the ngos, the Dutch flagged ”Sea-Watch 3” with 32 migrants aboard and tyskflaggade ”Professor Albrecht Penck” (17).

off the Libyan coast before christmas. Most of them are adult men, but four women and seven minors, four of whom are without parents. The youngest child is a year old.

the Boats waiting for the green light to get into a berth in any of the EU’s Mediterranean countries. But there is a kind of Svarte Petter-games between member states about who should take responsibility.

The nearest lying states, Malta and Italy, has from the beginning refused to open its ports.

the case, it is mainly the minister of the interior Matteo Salvini as stiffnecked set the lugs of the hill. Several mayors in the country, including those in Naples, Florence, Parma and Palermo, has said to be willing to take the migrants if the government just allowed them.

– In the Palermo defending we the only race that exists, the human. Everyone who comes to Palermo is palermobor, said the sicilian city mayor Leoluca Orlando in an interview.

Peter Loewe: Palermo’s mayor has pulled off a small earthquake.

Other countries such as the Netherlands and Germany, have said that they can imagine to receive a proportionate share of the 49 båtmigranterna ”if other countries also do it”. Like in Italy, has a number of German cities have said they are willing to open their gates.

The German government internally to have had ”intense consultations” on the matter at the weekend.

“We need a sustainable, shared european solution,” says Berlinregeringens spokesperson Steffen Seibert to the German tv-channel ZDF.

the EU’s migrationskommissionär Dimitris Avramopoulos has appealed directly to the several governments to come to their senses and receive the migrants. The same has several stand-alone organization made, as well as the catholic church.

increasingly desperate. The condition is ”psychologically untenable”, according to Ruben Neugebauer, representatives of the human rights organisation Sea-Watch.

“for So long, it has never been slow in the past,” he says to the ZDF.

the Migrants have previously been incarcerated in the harsh libyan detention centres, and now they are forced to spend almost all their time below deck because of the bad winter weather.

At one point jumped a man in despair over the table in the belief that he would be able to swim to the Maltese coast.

– It is lumpet and unacceptable that the EU’s disagreement concerning the commission may go out over the people in this way, ” says Ruben Neugebauer.

the Migrants suffer not, however, acute shortage of supplies. Last Friday was the crew on both boats out, and matförråden was added.

on the Mediterranean sea decreased considerably in the last two years, the proportion of drowning increased as the EU tightened up its monitoring and ruined smugglarbåtar. Last year the dog 2.240 people who found their way to Europe in search of a better life.

None of these two conditions, however, have so far received EU-countries to soften their stance or accelerated the pace of the process towards a common policy.

the Migrants came largely from countries in west africa. Their routes to Europe change in the rhythm of the border.

last year, Spain overtook Italy and Greece in the EU country where the highest number of migrants arrive. More than 60,000 people reached in 2018 the Spanish coasts or the country’s north african exklaver Ceuta and Melilla.

Erik Ohlsson: The unwanted migrants as a sign of the EU’s failed asylum policy