After having surgery to remove halsmandlarna got Angelica Bengtsson know why she was sick all the time.

When I sat in the hospital bed after the surgery, I found out that I suffered from chronic tonsillitis, ” she says to Kvällsposten.

” I really hope that it gets better now.

every time she’s flown or trained outside in the cold searched Bengtsson medical attention. It led to the surgery in order to get halsmandlarna deleted.

– I had enough in december when the training had gone so well throughout the autumn, but just before the races I got sick again and I was sick at the indoor CHAMPIONSHIPS also. It has probably not affected the ability to perform but it has still been disruptive because it lowers the condition and I can’t do so many jumps at the championships, ” says Bengtsson.

On the inside CHAMPIONSHIPS in Glasgow rev Bengtsson out already in the trials.

She will begin the outdoor season with Diamond League-galan in Stockholm in the end of may.