On Friday night, sent the Liberal partiledning out information about a meeting with partirådet on Tuesday, according to an internal email that the DN has taken part of.
Alfredsson talks on Saturday that they have told their agents that they shall make themselves ready for a possible partiråd on Tuesday.
at the same time, budget negotiations, and Adam Alfredsson mean that the result associated with regeringsfrågan.
the Meeting will be only of about regeringsfrågan have come to such a position that there is a deal to take a position ahead of Wednesday’s budgetomröstning.
Sources with transparency in the negotiations, describing them as absolutely crucial to the outcome in regeringsfrågan.
Even the Centre party has called for a blixtmöte on Sunday afternoon with both worker’s party and its parliamentary group, at an undisclosed location, reportedly to DN. Where should Annie Lööf tell you about the outcome of the government formation talks.
Annie Lööf. Photo: Magnus Hallgren
unlike the Centre party has been the Liberals during the autumn, shaken by internal divisions in regeringsfrågan. Several of the party’s mps are highly critical of Jan björklund’s notice to negotiate with S and has warned that it may come to damage the party.
can the proportion of opponents increase if the L-leader does not manage to get through enough of the liberal förhandlingskraven.
björklund’s desire to abolish the värnskatten is high up on the L’s list of demands and he will not settle for a long-term decision, but has required a change in the near future.
Some of the major points of difference between the parties is, according to DN’s informants, among other things, in the issue of migration, for example, when it comes to family reunification. Issues such as rent regulation and labour law is regarded by several of the parties that is complicated and difficult to solve in a short time.
out now as the parties may agree on any type of tax cuts – the only question is in what form and to what extent, according to the DN’s reporting agents.
On Monday, a new reconciliation between the president and Leaves. On the same day shall the committee adjust the report on the 2019 budget, then C and L state whether they intend to release the government’s transitional budget, or M, and the KD’s budgetreservation which also has the support of SD.
On Wednesday, the house vote on the budget, it is also the first day any statsministeromröstning can happen if Stefan Löfven. But the president can also decide to shoot up the budget being passed something.
Read more: the Alliance’s divisions are visible among the voters