Our ruling political parties have more in common than you believe yourself. That the CDU and the SPD to try and at exactly the same time, to heal old wounds that may still be a coincidence. But both of them also to the same treatment method: Practical remedy, instead of perpetual self-talk therapy. SPD Leader Andrea Nahles wants to prevent with a loud social policy Pave the Hartz-IV-breaking injuries.

CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer want to relieve the fractures, and scarring left behind by the refugee crisis in your party, also with a well-stocked first-aid box. Many of the proposed therapies are well known, others remind us of the miracle cures of doctor Eisenbarth – expensive or difficult to implement or of dubious effect or all together. But also politicians and Doctors have something in common: In the art of healing as in the fight for voters, the Placebo effect is often sufficient.

AKK wants to settle

For the Moment can be both the party chief of the interior with the result of your operations satisfied. Nahles gets praise even from notorious Quenglern how Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert, and the old lower Saxony-Mafia out of the mist circle, Gerhard schröder holds, at least in the mouth. Kramp-Karrenbauer, in turn, has managed the feat, the Chancellor of the early culture of welcome to sell without losing a bad word about Angela Merkel. Instead, these were strong professors at the beginning of the “Workshop talks”, the party headquarters as a Podium for critical phrases, which were, so far as lese-Majesty. “The Medium is the message” is a much quoted saying of the philosopher Marshall McLuhan. For CDU-ratios modified: The “Workshop” is the settling movement.

future Commission criticized Scheuer

Federal Minister of transport, are the richest poor Fools of the government. No other resort has so distribute a lot of money; the Sozialetat is larger, but practically legally mandated. At the same time, no other Minister is cursed so often. Every pothole, every radio hole, each of the Cancellation of the German state railway – of course, the Andi Scheuer again! This is often unjust because it was in most cases already the Alexander Dobrindt, or the Peter Ramsauer, or even the Wolfgang Tiefensee of the social democratic party. However, when his own Commission complained to the future of mobility in my colleague Jens Tartler, the CSU-man wool tent, the high-profile group of experts on the Passau beer-level trim, then you have to take this more seriously.

security conference: the Relevance of the EU

the British and other Anglo-Saxons, forcing the destiny to learn the German language, a noun is not enough ömmeln about our tendency to Chain. Instead of the words good boy in a row, March, how should it of Prussia, but actually expect, stuff it with these strange German in a tapeworm. The British historian Timothy Garton Ash has driven the yesterday, to educational purposes on the top. Europe need finally to a “world policy ability loss prevention strategy”, said the Oxford Professor during the presentation of the “Munich Security Report, 2019” to the Munich security conference. Behind the joke is a serious warning put: If the Europeans managed to hold together the continent, including his home, in spite of Brexit, would happen to their influence on the world drop dramatically.

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capital, location of SPD Leader Andrea Nahles wants decision-makers to the front of the look

Paul Starzmann

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