woman Mihalic, the Frankfurt police, is shaken by the case, “NSU 2.0”. You yourself are a COP. How prone to security authorities for right-wing extremism?

I don’t want a flat-rate vulnerability. But if you look at, who wants to be a COP, conservative-minded people are over-represented. If the frustration experience when you are during their work in difficult environments, the feeling of a state of control power loss of wide – then this may be the most prone to seemingly simple messages of right-wing.

do you Believe that the Frankfurt police officers are part of a larger network – so only the tip of the iceberg?

It is at least possible. This must be a network within the police. From my point of view, it is more likely that there are extreme right-wing groups, officials from security authorities in their ranks, or in contact with them. These officials have access to data that are very useful for right-wing extremist circles, in order to realize Tatplan. This applies, for example, addresses of the registers. But also the access to weapons on the security authorities can be for right-wing extremists is interesting.

In the past few weeks, there were also disturbing reports of a right-wing network within the armed forces – security experts suspect a connection to the Frankfurt case. We need to fear the infiltration of the rule of law?

This is a question I ask myself also. To answer you, we need to know: What are the right-wing extremist networks in Germany to use their access to security agencies for the realization of their plans? Who cooperates with whom? What is the Overlapping? The protection of the Constitution would have to sort that out, but we have a weakness at this point, has always been a blatant Analysis. Here are the Lessons from the NSU are not drawn yet. The protection of the Constitution has raised a strong Staff, but he does not deliver. So often, as in the case of extreme right-wing operations of individual cases, the speech is, you have to get the suspicion that it is in fact a network. My guess is: as Long as this is not an organization, the membership cards are distributed, it looks no one.

How to against the extreme right-wing activities in the security agencies do?

You can try police officers through training to better their service in Milieus on the fringes of society to prepare – for this feeling of Frustration does not arise. It would also be good if civil servants over a number of years in the same difficult environment on the road. But of course there are people who are not so strongly rooted in the extreme right-wing Milieu that comes with training. Here you have to approach officials legally: Such people not have lost in the police service.

What can policy do?

We need to detect at an early stage is a worrying development. That’s why we are calling for a police officer analogous to that of military officer. When police officers observe undesirable developments, you could contact this Person. We need to allow Whistleblowing. This could be a kind of early warning system.

More about

Right-wing police scandal widens out

Frank Jansen

The questions Maria Fiedler.