The sick cow was discovered on a farm in Mirsk in the southwestern part of Poland near the border with the Czech republic, writes the news agency Reuters citing the World organisation for animal health.
The Polish authorities to tone down the risk for it to be detected more cases:
” There is nothing new in countries that are considered to have a negligible risk to show up mad cow disease that you get isolated cases. This has happened recently in Canada, Brazil and Ireland, ” says professor Krzysztof Niemczuk to the Polish media.
mad cow disease was discovered in Poland was in march 2013.
the Disease is caused by the waste used for animal feed and attacks the animal’s brain and spinal cord and makes the animal irritable but can also occur spontaneously. In rare cases, the disease can be transmitted to humans in the form of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Europe is a crazy ko-sjukeskräck when an epidemic broke out in Western europe, and tighter rules introduced to prevent the bone meal and meat parts from cattle ended up in the cows ‘ feed. Among other things, brain tissue, spinal cord, eyes, parts of the intestine and halsmandlarna be destroyed at the time of slaughter according to the EU law.
In Sweden has not been infected by the disease, writes Vårdguiden.