After the second statement by Prime Minister Malu Dreyer in the flood catastrophe investigation committee, the CDU and AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate called for the resignation of the SPD politician. You must draw the consequences, “as ministers have already done before you,” said CDU chairman Dirk Herber after the 40th meeting of the committee on Friday in Mainz. “We found the Prime Minister’s appearance shameful,” emphasized Herber.

AfD chairman Michael Frisch said: “The prime minister didn’t care what her ministers were doing on the night of the flood. She has not ensured that they communicate and work together, and we know that was a major reason for the dramatic consequences.” The third opposition party in the country, the Free Voters, did not join the demands. Dreyer was well prepared and behaved very professionally, said the representative of the Free Voters, Stephan Wefelscheid. “She moved within the parameters to be expected.”

Interior Minister Roger Lewentz (SPD) and ex-Environment Minister Anne Spiegel (Greens) resigned in connection with the flood disaster in July 2021. In the committee of inquiry, Dreyer again rejected personal responsibility for mistakes made during the night of the flood. “I had no knowledge of the dramatic situation on this flood night,” she said during her interrogation on Friday.

Dreyer explained that she had not been able to recognize the catastrophic extent of the flood until morning and trusted that the local civil protection structures would respond well to the expected flooding. There were no indications “that local authorities are sometimes not fulfilling their tasks”. The Prime Minister largely stuck to the arguments from her first survey in April 2022.

The opposition in the state parliament had repeatedly criticized the state government’s lack of communication on the night of the disaster from July 14 to 15, 2021 and accused Dreyer, among other things, of not having called a government crisis meeting in the evening or actively contacted the relevant department heads. There had been hardly any exchange between the two departments primarily responsible for flooding, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Environment.

According to Chairman Martin Haller (SPD), it is still unclear when the committee will complete its witness interviews and begin preparing its final report. “It takes as long as it takes,” he said on Friday morning. In the heavy rain disaster in July 2021, 136 people were believed to have died in the Ahr Valley alone.