the labor party leader Jeremy Corby and the conservative leader, prime minister Boris Johnson take Tuesday night, one of the first televisions in the exam on December 12. the day of the parliamentary elections related to.

the BBC (you move to another service):according to the chairman of the “rattling antlers”, inter alia, public health, scotland’s future, and even the king family. A clear winner in the debate does not, however, been found.

analytics firm yougov’s poll, the nation was divided between the winner of the relationship in half. Labour supporters believe Corby was better and the conservative thinks that Johnson won.

the Scottish prime minister of Nicola Sturgeon according to neither of the two men is not suitable as prime minister. He told me that “it was not at all convinced”.

brexit from when talking about Boris Johnson promised to “stop the national suffering” and said that the labour party offer only division and gridlock. Jeremy Corby instead of the promised party in the crucial situation so that people get to say the last word.

according to Reuters, both the party leaders were focused on a lot of black paint to the debate mate.

The Guardian (you move to another service) according to Corby accused Johnson and the conservatives that are going to sell public health to the united states and the pharmaceutical industry. Johnson denied the claim and said that not his government, nor any other conservative government, came to put public health on the negotiating table in trade negotiations.

– Public health plan is never going to be on sale, Johnson staked out.

the Conservative Twitter-trick angered

Reuters according to conservative official press directed at the Twitter account CCHQPress changed the account name on tv during the debate momentarily factcheckUK:ksi, which angered inter alia, one of the facts of the inspection office, the labour party, as well as the many Twitter users.

the Conservative Twitter account banging on public objections to the corby’s to say in real time, until changed again its name back to the original.

– Is inappropriate and misleading conservative press office the name of the Twitter account again factcheckUK:from this during the debate, independent of the british fact-checking service Full Fact scolded in a statement.

the liberal democrat member of parliament Tom Brake was the criticism in degrees steeper.

Than directly to the Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin the game book. Tories (conservatives) are now making use of the deliberate public misrepresentation of the, Brake said.

the labour party, the representative of the David Lammy requires the electoral commission to investigate the matter and punish conservative “ashamed of the praise for the attempt to mislead the public”.

the Conservative chairman of the James Cleverly the defense was attracted to the press the equivalent of a Twitter stunt, and said that “it was made clear to all, that it is a conservative party website”.

a protest against the name change also, many Twitter users took momentarily his name is the same factcheckUK:no, while others named themselves CCHQ Press office for.

see also:

the Conservative lead narrowed to the labour party in the Uk(19.11.)

Europe the band, Joey Tempest got nervous brexit for those who support the british politician to a: Stop as soon as The Final countdown to use(17.11.)

the British EU-difference in Ireland in the next few years to vote on the merger, believes the republican party(17.11.)

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