“you Thought I liked having sex with you? I was excited to have an older man over me?” read the headline (9.December) on the db.now for a case split from the Women and Clothes, about Louise who began to sell sex as fjortenåring.
Andrés Lekanger. Show more
No history of sex work is more right or wrong a others, and Louises story is just as important as a sexarbeider in Sexarbeidernes interest group (PION) its history. The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet on the other hand, is a play on the sosialpornografiske stereotypes about uskyldsrene young girls who are exploited by nasty men.
Why is it sexsalget the Newspaper has chosen to put the focus on? Why do not the Review of critical issues to the lack of social policies that might explain that Louise ended up in sex work? Sell it not as good?
Given the biased the heading, it is objectionable that the Newspaper does not go further in the discussion of the sexkjøpere. It is not so that all, even those of us who have engaged in survival sex, hate the customers. The customer group is diverse and the people are actually interested in exploiting a vulnerable human being in a vulnerable situation. But of course, assholes are everywhere, also among women and men who buy sex.
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What not come up with is that the Swedish organization Talita, Louise represents, is considered to be a junk organization among several Norwegian prostitusjonstiltak. Not everything that glimrer is gold, and Talita claim to offer both protection and therapy, but could not show that their work was driven by the professional professionals (Stavanger, 13. and 14. november, 2017).
It is not the first time the Newspaper choose to pimp stories about young people on the operation. 28. september, we could read about the tragic childhood of three of the activists in #InteDinHora.
Sexarbeider Lilith Staalesen, criticized Dagbladet (5.10.) for an uncritical approach to not only speak with young people on the operation, but also activists with their own political agenda. Staalesen criticized that the Newspaper failed to cover that a colleague in the Swedish Fuckförbundet was outet as sexarbeider with the personal data of one representative for #InteDinHora.
the Newspaper is, of course, free to lift up organizations that Talita, but instead to get the staff to roll out details about the insane upbringing and neglect, the newspaper examine the organization and its work.
In addition to klikkhoreri player ” in The Politics of Ick; the title is aimed at readers and the message is hidden in the classical rhetoric of what we think is disgusting. Ick means “ugh”, and there is nothing that sells as well as the image the headline creates on the retina, of nasty old men who think ungjenta enjoying themselves.
The politics of Ick do thus, that the Newspaper won’t have to ask critical questions. It is the feeling of “ugh” that appeals to the reader and not the content of the article itself. But good journalism is not.