Thanks to a health situation that is improving, and a second epidemic wave, which – for the time being – does not draw, the government will be able to start the second phase of the déconfinement. According to Le Parisien, BFM TV, Edouard Philippe, the prime minister is scheduled to unveil as early as Thursday afternoon the contours. His speech must have taken place after the defence council which will be held on Thursday morning and that entérinera decisions.

To a “significant expansion” of the limitation of movement

Among them, many are expected. Starting with the evolution of the measure limiting to 100 km travelling around his home. Monday on LCI, the secretary of State in charge of Tourism, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, had already announced that the government is working on plans “a significant expansion” of this limitation. Should we understand that the French will finally be able to move again throughout the territory? The secretary of State had certified that the French can this summer, “rediscover France, its heritage, its land and its wealth”.

Reopening of the restaurants in the “green zone”

Other action awaited : the reopening of cafés and restaurants in the areas, “green”, the Tuesday, 2 June. Edouard Philippe had already indicated in mid-may that it “may be considered if the evolution of the epidemic does not degrade, and subject to the sanitary measures recommended by the High Council of public Health are fully respected,” had warned the first minister. It is expected to confirm the re-opening this Thursday. Remains to be seen what will be-t-he areas of “red” while the restaurant business is severely hit by the crisis, throughout the territory, since the abrupt closure of the institutions on march 15.

Finally, the world of culture also hope to have good news on Thursday. Edouard Philippe should give directions for the re-opening of cinemas and theatres.

” see also – is it Necessary to reopen the parks and the gardens in the red zone ?