In the morning came the complaints that polling stations have not had time to open on the stroke of seven o’clock and in some areas, polling stations had not had sufficient number of ballot papers in a warehouse, but on the whole, the elections passed very smoothly. Election day is a public holiday and many have been up early in the morning to vote and then gather with friends at one of the last sensommardagarna.

the ruling party, the ANC’s future. The ANC got 62% in the last elections in 2014, which may sound very satisfactory in a parliamentary electoral system of proportional seats where many parties are squeezed into the assembly. But in the same moment as the ANC falls below 50 per cent, forced the party into a coalition and then they have to choose between two haystacks – vänsterpopulistiska EFF or military DA – both of which are unpopular in parts of the party. This can create political chaos in the party and by extension in the country.

This is the big question. He has managed to stop the väljarflykten during the predecessor Jacob Zuma, or continues to fall? Ramaphosa will need to show a result which is not too bad, closer to 60 percent than 50 percent, in order to get a mandate to push through the clean-up in their ranks as he promised during the election campaign and that voters far outside the party are longing for. Should the ANC lose the custom of the majority is the Ramaphosas days as leaders probably counted, and then absent the reforms.

Well, in any case, the EFF and mainly of their leader Julius Malema, who seven years ago was thrown out of the ANC, has a perfect location and they will go forward. But to the right have their own internal problems, and many of their voters can get to taktikrösta at the ANC just to give Ramaphosa a strong position. You get the feeling of talking with the ANC-sceptics outside the party is that they can imagine to come back and give just Ramaphosa this last chance.

Already, in advance, one can conclude that there has been no record of enthusiasm among voters, and some long queues, there has not been talk about on the day of the election.

What is interesting is that the number of registered first-time voters have plummeted by 46 per cent since the last parliamentary elections despite the fact that they become more, overall. This can disadvantage the EFF, which has its largest base of the youngest voters in the so-called Born Free generation born after the apartheidsystemets collapse.

But it also applies to to look at was in the country as the turnout drops. In the KwaZulu-republic of natal has, the ANC is usually a stronghold, but several years of internal strife, and the fact that ”their” Zuma is now widely hated by Ramaphosa and his team, can do to the ANC loses many votes in this, the second most populous province.

Read more: 27 million south africans go to the polls