The british parliament voted down prime minister Theresa Mays utträdesavtal with the numbers 391-242.

Sweden’s minister for EU affairs Hans Dahlgren (S) regret the decision.

– It is a serious mode. There are 17 days left to the 29th of march and decided it is not something else so, the Uk will leave without a contract. It is the worst possible outcome of this process, says EU minister.

Dahlgren think, however, that the likely outcome of Wednesday’s vote will be that parliament will vote no to leaving the EU without an agreement.

– It would be a good answer. But then there is the question of what they are saying yes to. We don’t know yet, ” says Hans Dahlgren.

to leave without an agreement has Theresa May stated that she will request a vote to extend the förhandlingstiden with the EU. Any Dahlgren assume that she will have support in the parliament.

– But then, the EUROPEAN side say yes. We have taken the attitude that there is a justified reason to go with the extension, we do, of course. That the brits crashing out of the EU is the worst option, ” says Hans Dahlgren.

the political scientist Göran von Sydow, acting director at Swedish institute for european policy studies, believes that the risk of a hard Brexit has increased.

– Conditions for a avtalslöst Brexit is still in the very highest degree, and the likelihood that the government will request an extension have increased. But this is not to say that a renewal takes away the risk that it could become a avtalslöst Brexit even then.

– The basic mode of british politics will not change, other than if two things happen: Either you finally find a solution that goes over blockgränsen, though it seems very difficult. Or a new election or a new referendum to change the conditions in the foundation, ” says Göran von Sydow.

suffered another defeat weakens the government’s position – but what it can lead to is unclear, says political scientist:

” the Paradox is that there is no majority for Mays brexitpolitik, but there is still support for her government’s survival. It is a very locked down and complicated location, ” says Göran von Sydow.

Erik de la Reguera: the Can May be left after this?

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