“Born, married, European Parliament.“ So, the former Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, is said to have characterized the years of the MEPs Elmar Brok. The description is accurate, as there is no other politician, whose Name is so closely associated with the EU Parliament. As a senior member of the European Parliament makes Brok now for 38 years, policy in Strasbourg. The NRW-land Executive of the CDU, was now, apparently, that this is not enough. As the Executive Board presented the provisional list for the European elections, was Brok. This is especially notable because previously, the NRW Minister Armin Laschet for a nomination Broks.

Even if the 72-Year-old subject, in the case of the national representatives conference at the end of the month to run for a place on the list, so it is still in Trend, if the parties try, a young staff-Tableau for the European elections. There were also in the SPD is plenty of dispute about the right mix between the generations. The 70-year-old Jo Leinen, like Brok of the most experienced Europeans had to accept that the reference to a SPD list.

The period of time since 1980, Brok went to Strasbourg, marked a whole epoch. As a trained Journalist, Europe was a politician, was used in Germany, still like the bike metaphor, when you talked about the community. The comparison shows that Europe must be like a Bicycle always moves forward, since it’ll fall down otherwise. While today, European disintegration scenarios are shaping the European debate, grew together back then, the EU more closely, which culminated in 1991 in the Treaty of Maastricht, which is the Euro-the way prepared. Brok, who is considered to be Helmut Kohl’s last man in Strasbourg, accompanied of the European Parliament for all of the critical steps towards integration – to the design of the valid EU Treaty of Lisbon.

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Brexit “negotiations are completed,”

Albrecht Meier

Over the years, Brok in Germany was not, in a sense, a “Mr. Europe”, even if his field – foreign policy – is essential to the core competence of the EU. Currently Brok is concerned, however, with a matter in which experience counts: As a Brexit-representative of the European people’s party, he wants to ensure that the EU is sold in the negotiations with London on value.