For several weeks now, the flame party has been staging the rallies of various personalities from civil society on its list for the European elections. After the former boss of Frontex Fabrice Leggeri, the essayist Malika Sorel, the lawyer Alexandre Varaut, the former commissioner Matthieu Valet, or the ex-magistrate Pascale Piera, it is the turn of senior civil servant Pierre Pimpie to join Jordan Bardella.
Deputy Director General of the public railway safety establishment (EPSF), Pierre Pimpie will be in 25th position, according to information from Le Parisien. His CV as a senior civil servant from Ena and Sciences Po is a valuable asset for an RN looking for competent profiles. The announcement of this rally was confirmed on social networks by RN campaign director Alexandre Loubet.
Also read For LR and Reconquest, same question: how to exist in the face of the ogre Bardella?
Today deputy general director of the public railway safety establishment (EPSF), Pierre Pimpie has held various positions at the Ministry of Ecology and at Bercy, within the general delegation for employment and professional training ( DGEFP). Driven by a positive dynamic, as illustrated by the Ifop-Fiducial “rolling” polls for Le Figaro, the list could well allow this senior official to enter the European Parliament in June.
Unknown to the general public, this enarque is less so to the RN. For several years, Pierre Pimpie was one of the famous “Horaces”, these senior officials and expert advisors in the shadow of Marine le Pen. He is notably the author of the section on the fight against tax and social fraud in Marine Le Pen’s program during the last presidential election. A subject on which he intends to engage if he is elected in Strasbourg in a little over a month.