On May 10, the federal government and the heads of government of the federal states want to discuss sharing the costs of taking in refugees and migrants again. This was announced by a spokeswoman for the Lower Saxony state government on Wednesday in Hanover. The main topic, maybe even the only topic of the federal-state summit will be refugee financing. “This will be prepared tomorrow,” said the spokeswoman with a view to the Prime Ministers’ Conference (MPK) on Thursday in Berlin.

Lower Saxony currently chairs the MPK. Several prime ministers made it clear before the state round table that they were calling for the federal government to contribute more financially to the costs of accommodating and caring for migrants and refugees, also in favor of the municipalities. According to dpa information, the Chancellery had proposed the date for the special MPK to the federal states.

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) recently criticized the federal government. “The position of the states is clear: the federal government must get more involved in this common task, especially in favor of the municipalities,” he said.

Migration is also on the agenda of the regular prime ministerial conference on Thursday. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) criticized the behavior of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in particular before this MPK. “From the prime ministers’ conference on Thursday, the states should send a clear signal to the federal government: the chancellor must finally live up to his responsibilities and make financing the refugee costs a top priority,” he told the “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday edition).

“Week after week, increasing numbers of refugees are registered in Germany and both the federal states and the municipalities are reaching their limits,” said Wüst. “We have to be able to do justice to the people who are fleeing to us from the war.” Instead of providing financial support to the states, “the federal government seems to think that you can just sit out the problem,” criticized the North Rhine-Westphalian head of government.