
Fire at Bungelaer in Beers: What Happened and How to Stay Safe

In Beers, the fire department had to respond to a burning pier at the Bungelaer restaurant on Friday. Both the Cuijk and Gennep corps had to come to the scene to fight the flames. The fire has now been almost extinguished, and the firefighters have started to dampen it down.

Fires can be very dangerous and it’s important to know what to do to stay safe in case of a fire. Here are some safety measures you can take to protect yourself and others in the event of a fire:

1. Install smoke alarms in your home: Smoke alarms can alert you to the presence of a fire and give you valuable time to escape. Make sure to test your smoke alarms regularly to ensure they are working properly.

2. Have an evacuation plan: It’s important to have a plan in place so that everyone in your household knows what to do in case of a fire. Make sure to practice your evacuation plan regularly so that everyone is familiar with the escape routes.

3. Stay low to the ground: If you encounter smoke during a fire, it’s important to stay low to the ground where the air is cleaner. Crawl to the nearest exit to avoid inhaling smoke and harmful gases.

4. Stop, drop, and roll: If your clothes catch on fire, remember to stop, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll back and forth to smother the flames.

5. Call for help: In case of a fire, call the emergency services immediately and provide them with all the necessary information, such as your location and the nature of the fire.

By following these safety measures and being prepared in case of a fire, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from harm. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to fire safety.