What is Friedrich Merz in the run-up to the CDU party Congress has not been accused of everything to torpedo the success of his candidacy as the party’s Chairman. Stupid only, that the facts spoke against him (and speak) were as good as never on the list of his alleged crimes. To any avoid misunderstandings: In the Following, it is not a matter of adulation – quite the contrary: The ten theses serve the creeping heroization, the Friedrich Merz currently happens, with a sense of reality to confront.

1. As a business lawyer, also a income moderately successful, such as Merz, you are not experienced, let alone skilled economic policymakers. Actually, the two professions have to do only indirectly with each other.

2. A business lawyer is mainly involved in casting decisions that others have made, in the best legal Form, or Queuing in an Advisory capacity, in the run-up to check decisions on your optimal legal design.

3. Friedrich Merz was in its American law firm is non-operational as a business lawyer. Rather, he was a “door opener”. So a man can acquire for his company mandates, because he represents the law firm Essentially sent on the social and political stage. His commitment hoped-for economic success, has not been set up for the German branch of the American firm, however.

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Blackrock is by no means a “grasshopper”

4. The real tragedy of the CDU there is not even the fact that Friedrich Merz has been elected Chairman of the party. It consists rather in the fact that he was regarded in the party as a business expert par excellence. The strangeness of today’s CDU, the party of Ludwig Erhard, a stunning way.

5. To the failures of the current allegations against Merz about the characterization of Blackrock as a “grasshopper”. This term is a time of Franz Müntefering embossed swear word, this is noted on some – but only some – Private Equity firms and hedge funds not applicable. And those that take advantage of spaces in pure self-interest in the structuring of corporate financing, all sorts of game, even if this breaks about the bought-up companies, potentially to the neck. Blackrock, however, is in the core an asset Manager, also maintains a huge index Fund business, so a purely passive Investments.

6. The handling of the economic career of Friedrich Merz, as well as the Supervisory Board, is a tell-tale sign for our ever-more ethos-oriented envy of society and its media executor. It demonstrates how, “brings extreme political correctness” to the opponent as to crop, as you need him in the own perception of the society as a whole.

7. The summit of the nonsense was the wagenburg mentality, which was brought against the candidacy of Friedrich Merz. You did so when the German policy is an extremely performance-oriented Structure, the optimal performance of any foreign body that has worked in his career, also only partially outside of the policy, would be destroyed. (In addition to the possible return of Friedrich Merz is a currently prominent “lateral entrants” in fact, only Robert Habeck, the Ex-philosopher. Case closed.)

8. Most likely to laugh about the whole hype that was made to the Friedrich Merz and the Chancellor. This is less because of Angela Merkel managed to push STH in your former Position as the CDU Federal Chairman. But because now Merz – and not you – the reputation of a safely business-friendly (read: economic boss appends friendly) people.
The supposedly so perceptive left-liberal media world has not, apparently noticed that Angela Merkel, the “Saint Angela”, as the patron of the bosses of German companies, especially the car operates bosses – Martin Winterkorn about Josef Ackermann to Dieter Zetsche. Even more astonishing is the observation that the Chancellor is in your submission much more than Gerhard Schröder has done as a Chancellor ever to CEOs. Because of the has reprimanded the economic bosses sometimes and successfully restrained. In spite of the “lower Saxony Connection,” he would be treated in this way to limit the with the VW scandal 2015 damage that has occurred, certainly not with the Merkel’s timidity with the German car industry.

His candidacy has promoted the topic to the fore, after all

9. What is the topic in Merz, actually, is the Lack of economic and political mind in the policy. Today, there are no artistically predisposed, economic / political heavy weight in the policy, such as Erhard, Lambsdorff, Schiller, Strauss, or Clement. It is significant that even many years of CDU members as entrepreneurs in the global market and as an employer, enormously successful as Martin Herrenknecht, in despair of the social democratic CDU to turn away. The Merz-candidacy has promoted this issue to-day, because he is (at least in the view of the half of the CDU) is an economic and political heavyweight. Friedrich Merz can keep the benefit, for the improvement of some of the issues that lie in Wickedness. The simplification of the octopus are liable to tax system, which affects all income groups, or the complementary conversion of the retirement of the generation allocation on a System with long-term capital market investment instruments.

10. Merz is with his potential re-entry into politics is a heavy weight, such as the aforementioned? Without the Assumption of government responsibility for it is not possible to assess. His public opinions and his professional experience give anyway, despite the evident communicative errors during his candidacy – a cause for hope.
to want Him, but this project is categorically exclude, could backfire very soon. Because, according to the well-years under Merkel we tend to have a recession. Since there is a need to strengthen the economic competence in a timely manner.

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Casdorff to Friedrich Merz, Where his economic expertise?

Stephan-Andreas Casdorff

– Stephan-Götz Richter is editor-in-chief of the Online magazine “The Globalist”.