It should go in no time this Friday. In the morning at ten o’clock in the Bundestag decides on the Good-Kita-law of Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey (SPD). Shortly afterwards, the Federal Council should agree to it. It is not the usual procedure. Normally, three weeks of counselling and cooling-off period between the sending of the Bundestag in decisions of the chamber of States. But the Federal government is in a hurry.

The law aims to 1. January in force, we will swiftly deliver. Especially since it will still take months until the money flows from the program to States and municipalities. From January to Giffey with each state will negotiate individually how the funds from the Federal budget in Detail to be used. And how countries and local authorities to use at the end to demonstrate. It should be a tough process. And implemented in the individual agreements can be only if all countries, contracts have been concluded.

No wonder that Giffey looks nervous in the Friday. Because whether the Federal Council participates in fact, was on Thursday not clear. Firstly, you do not like in the countries of the chamber, such a shortening of the deadlines. And secondly, there are concerns against the law. Not the content or because of the sum of five billion euros until 2022. But because of this limit of up to four financial years. The aim of the act-a better childcare is key, so more staff, as well as the Prevail of the contribution to freedom that have implemented some countries, however, is mainly two things:.

What if the windfall ends?

If the money ends up blessing of the Federal government in four years, does that mean that countries have to Finance from their own resources. The Federal Council had demanded, therefore, that the Federal government is involved in, even after 2022 permanently with two billion euros. Schleswig-Holstein was threatened, therefore, already on Wednesday with the invocation of the mediation Committee, in order to enforce that.

The Kiel Prime Minister Daniel Guenther reiterated this Position on Thursday evening. If he gets a majority, however, is uncertain. Baden-Württemberg hinted, you could ask for the removal from the agenda the request of a single country is sufficient for the shortening of the deadlines. To fit the situation in the Federal Council of the circle of the Parties: “Nobody wants the law, but it should not fail.”

As it was called, wants to Giffey in the countries of the chamber, a conversion to permanent contract. It should be one of the usual statements in the minutes of the Federal government, with Commitments for future legislative procedure are made in order to achieve a consent in the Bundesrat. But such a concession would extend beyond the financial planning period of the Federal government. Can you make such a promise? And you would be at all binding, since 2012, at the latest, a new Bundestag is elected? The Union Federal government had in the evening, apparently still have concerns. It went last.

the kretschmanns appeal

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day-care centres report: the CDU and the SPD agree on “Good-Kita-law”

After all, the question of financing is beyond dispute. The money comes from a higher proportion of countries in the value-added tax. This is interesting, because the way for the even greater point of dispute between the Federal government and the States currently, is denied: the digital Pact for the schools. In the session of the Federal Council, because of the financial assistance program related to basic changes in law are on the agenda. Here are the countries call on the mediation Committee. Especially the baden-württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green) is in favour of the way the tax distribution. The daily mirror, he said: “It’s simple, day-to-day political considerations constantly the Constitution in passing as an administrative regulation to change. And it is also not necessary so that the much-needed funds for the digitalization in the field of education finally arrive in the countries.“ He is of the view that the article 106 of the basic law, which regulates the distribution of joint control, provides the better opportunity. And if it is law, the day-care centre (and also in the also launched the Federal-Länder Pact for the rule of law, better equipping the justice), then why not digital Pact? Kretschmann is therefore calling on the Federal government to move and to go all the way through the value-added tax. “If the Federation and the Länder on the basis of, we can deal with this quickly, and without the good order of things is messed up.”